What is personal coaching? Very few Americans are able to answer that question. Most Americans do not know the important distinctions between a life coach and a therapist, for example. Others believe that life coaches are always job coaches, always helping clients with the job search in some way, but that’s not necessarily true, either. […]
A Guide to Gears
Have you ever heard that old saying that people are like 10-speed bikes? That we have 10 gears but rarely utilize all of them. That old metaphor is getting at the idea that we have unactualized capabilities – or gears. But let’s talk about actual gears. What kinds of things are gear manufacturers producing these […]
Three Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Server Racks
Servers are an essential part of any company, and you do need the right server racks and the right server in order to be able to function properly and without issue. For those that are working with a managed hosting service, server racks are not as important, but you should know about them and what […]
6 Tips on Building Medical Facilities
Any company that is looking to set up a new location needs to find a reliable commercial construction company that can help them turn their plans into a reality. Depending on the type of business you run, you should find a general contractor company that is experienced building similar facilities. One of the most specialized […]
10 Roles of Human Resources
There are many types of business employment opportunities today that include management, front office, and back office roles among many others. One popular and in-demand option is human resources employment. These business professionals help manage the day-to-day interactions that go on within the office and between employees and managers. HR staff members fill a critical […]
Why Your Business Should Ship Green
More and more these days, individuals and businesses alike are starting to take “green” initiatives. There are three main benefits that businesses see from going green: saving money, helping the environment, and engaging in socially responsible practices. 1. Shipping green can save you money. One of the main reasons you should consider making your shipping […]
How the Holidays Help the Coffee Industry Thrive
When it comes to identifying the most successful business ideas, there is a reason that coffee franchises, including shops and mobile cafes, usually come out on top: according to Datamonitor, the average Australian consumes at least one cup of coffee out of home for every seven cups that they drink, and yet still fall behind […]
Death By Forklift Battery The Top Three Ways a Forklift Battery Can Kill You
It’s widely known that the average warehouse’s forklift battery room is home to a number of dangers to personnel who work there. OSHA requires all warehouse personnel to follow strict safety precautions, from wearing personal protective gear to following a number of procedures to prevent accidents. But what happens when you neglect all that battery […]
Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Designing a Business Sign
Though these days there is more of an emphasis on digital advertising, signs are still a staple for any business’s marketing efforts. Believe it or not, a small business gains about 50% of its local customer base from signs alone, and more often than not, people judge a business based on the quality of the […]
The Three Best Safety Features That All Warehouses Need to Have
Warehouse efficiency is obtained through successful operation and maintenance of each forklift — and through proper forklift battery maintenance. However, each forklift battery contains a huge number of hazards that threaten personnel safety every day, and keeping workers safe from these hazards also plays a role in improving efficiency by reducing compensation costs and lost […]
Flexible Hours and Thrilling Work You’ll Never Guess This Career You Should Consider
“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth,” said Sherlock Holmes, one of the most recognizable figures in private investigation. As a detective, Holmes experiences all kinds of adventures and uncovers many sought-after truths. Holmes may only exist in fiction but private investigators and detectives exist in real life. […]
Your Guide to Winning the Internet Small Business Web Design Edition
“Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that,’ said Paul Cookson, published author and publisher of a successful website. He’s right. When you take time off work, you web design is either working for you or against you. Small business web design can be tricky. With so few people on your roster, you may […]
Having Fun on a Cruise Ship Starts With Leaving Your Cabin
Is this your first time on a cruise ship? Well, there’s plenty of fun and adventure in store for you. The most important thing you can do is to not stay in your cabin for the whole trip. If you spend too much time in your cabin, you will miss out on most of the […]
Five Tips for Optimizing Your Video Content On YouTube
Video marketing provides a huge advantage to any business. After all, many people are “visual learners, and are more willing to watch something that read about it. In fact, studies show 20% of people will read text while 80% of people prefer to watch a video of the same content. Why not make the most […]
Three Benefits of Using Digital Signage to Advertise a Small Business
There are a number of different types and styles of signs for businesses. The advertising staple has been around for a long time and continues to be one of the most effective ways to advertise a business. In fact, most small businesses typically get up to 50% of their local customer base just from signage […]
Over 170 Passengers on Crown Princess Ill With Norovirius
Over 170 passengers and crew members became ill with an extremely contagious norovirus on a month-long cruise on the Crown Princess cruise liner. The ship, part of Princess Cruises and thankfully a vessel for a non-singles cruise, docked in San Pedro, CA early Sunday morning. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), norovirus is […]
The Top Three Benefits of Having a Battery Wash Cabinet in Your Warehouse’s Lift Truck Battery Room
Much of any warehouse’s success depends on the ability of its forklifts to work to their full potential each day — and that, in turn, depends on correctly conducting forklift battery maintenance. There is a large number of different factors that can lead to a forklift battery being incorrectly maintained — and one of the […]
Forklift Battery Washing the Top Three Reasons to Do It
When warehouse efficiency so heavily depends on the condition of its forklift batteries, it’s imperative to keep these batteries as well-maintained and well-cared-for as possible. And if your warehouse’s personnel aren’t regularly washing each forklift battery about once a year as recommended, the effects of not doing so can have disastrous effects for these heavy-duty […]
Four Things to Know Before You Talk to an Online Marketing Agency
If you own a business in today’s world, it is critical to have technology incorporated into your business and marketing strategies. If you don’t take advantage of the online marketplace, there is an entire generation of people who aren’t getting your message. Getting your message across is the only way to drive sales, so if […]
Utility Billing Services for Your Company Why Outsourcing Matters for You, Your Workers, and Your Customers
Whether you run a privately-owned cable provider or a municipal utilities company, you know the importance of sending out your bills in a timely manner. You are also likely aware that customers also appreciate the ability to pay those bills on time. But when you have a large company with thousands of customers (or more), […]