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The Three Best Times To Hire A Life Coach

What is personal coaching? Very few Americans are able to answer that question. Most Americans do not know the important distinctions between a life coach and a therapist, for example. Others believe that life coaches are always job coaches, always helping clients with the job search in some way, but that’s not necessarily true, either. […]

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A Guide to Gears

Have you ever heard that old saying that people are like 10-speed bikes? That we have 10 gears but rarely utilize all of them. That old metaphor is getting at the idea that we have unactualized capabilities – or gears. But let’s talk about actual gears. What kinds of things are gear manufacturers producing these […]

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6 Tips on Building Medical Facilities

Any company that is looking to set up a new location needs to find a reliable commercial construction company that can help them turn their plans into a reality. Depending on the type of business you run, you should find a general contractor company that is experienced building similar facilities. One of the most specialized […]

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10 Roles of Human Resources

There are many types of business employment opportunities today that include management, front office, and back office roles among many others. One popular and in-demand option is human resources employment. These business professionals help manage the day-to-day interactions that go on within the office and between employees and managers. HR staff members fill a critical […]

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Why Your Business Should Ship Green

More and more these days, individuals and businesses alike are starting to take “green” initiatives. There are three main benefits that businesses see from going green: saving money, helping the environment, and engaging in socially responsible practices. 1. Shipping green can save you money. One of the main reasons you should consider making your shipping […]

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How the Holidays Help the Coffee Industry Thrive

When it comes to identifying the most successful business ideas, there is a reason that coffee franchises, including shops and mobile cafes, usually come out on top: according to Datamonitor, the average Australian consumes at least one cup of coffee out of home for every seven cups that they drink, and yet still fall behind […]

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The Three Best Safety Features That All Warehouses Need to Have

Warehouse efficiency is obtained through successful operation and maintenance of each forklift — and through proper forklift battery maintenance. However, each forklift battery contains a huge number of hazards that threaten personnel safety every day, and keeping workers safe from these hazards also plays a role in improving efficiency by reducing compensation costs and lost […]

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Flexible Hours and Thrilling Work You’ll Never Guess This Career You Should Consider

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth,” said Sherlock Holmes, one of the most recognizable figures in private investigation. As a detective, Holmes experiences all kinds of adventures and uncovers many sought-after truths. Holmes may only exist in fiction but private investigators and detectives exist in real life. […]

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Forklift Battery Washing the Top Three Reasons to Do It

When warehouse efficiency so heavily depends on the condition of its forklift batteries, it’s imperative to keep these batteries as well-maintained and well-cared-for as possible. And if your warehouse’s personnel aren’t regularly washing each forklift battery about once a year as recommended, the effects of not doing so can have disastrous effects for these heavy-duty […]