The U.S. plastics industry employs approximately one million workers and contributes $375 billion to the economy, but are not the only ones hard at work in the industry. Husky Injection Molding Systems, based in Ontario, Canada, announced in October that they will be hosting an exhibit at the Gulfood Manufacturing 2015 conference held in Dubai, […]
Author: James
Old Fuel, Modern Technology The History And Usage Of Oil
The oil industry is an extensive one, providing energy and accessibility to a wealth of powerful engines, career fields and everyday people all across the world. The history of oil and natural gas training, though, is an elaborate form of knowledge not generally known to the public. Oil, in all its varied forms and uses, […]
Low Risk, High Gain Why Wouldn’t You Use A Staffing Company?
Are you looking to hire more staff members, either on a temporary basis or full-time? For either temp work or a more permanent position, consulting with staffing companies could be a useful way to find excellent employees. They’ll do the bulk of the work for you and present you with the best candidates. In some […]
3 Reasons to Consider Parking Lot Services
Vehicles are generally expensive items, and this is why people always do their best to ensure that their vehicles are safe. For this reason, parking should be accessible, safe, and clean if you want anyone to leave their vehicle in it. That’s why people rely on apps for parking that they use to help them […]
3 Ways List Brokers Can Help You
Marketing is a difficult field to get into. It’s a field that is constantly changing with technology and trends, and as a business owner, you need someone who has experience in keeping up with the marketing world. This is where list brokers can help your business. Read on for three benefits you’ll enjoy by investing […]
Cured in place pipes or regular digging?
A cured in pipe placement is one of several trenchless methods available that is used to repair an already existing pipeline. When the phrase “trenchless pipe repair” is used it does not mean the existing sewer line never needs to be excavated but there is not usually a lot of digging that is required more […]
The 101 On Cargo Packaging And Transporting Everyday Essentials
Cargo makes the world go ’round. Everything from food to animals need to be transported through the air and across the sea to bolster the businesses, restaurants and supply stores we use every day. However, not all cargo is created the same — everything has its own set of strict rules in order to reach […]
Why Do I Have So Much Stuff?
After decades of buying and collecting everything under the sun, it seems like getting back to the basics and streamlining our lives is now the new trend. Taking a complete reversal from competing to see who can own the most gadgets and gizmos, many people are now downsizing their lives and downsizing their possessions. If […]
Everything You Don’t Know About Trenchless Pipe Repair
The average household pipe leak loses over 10,000 gallons of water per year. It might be tempting to ignore small leaks because pipe repairs can cost an arm and a leg, and removing the pipes equals your home’s foundation and lawn being torn apart. When the leaks can’t be ignored any longer, many homeowners don’t […]
Three Things You Should Know Before Investing in Gold
Looking to diversify your investment portfolio? Perhaps it’s time for you to consider investing in gold. An investment in gold is relatively low risk, and it can help protect your assets in case of another market downturn. Moreover, buying gold supports national interests and jobs. In 2014, U.S. mines produced 211 tons of gold, and […]
Five Things You Need to Know Before Having Your Car Wrapped
According to the Harvard Health Watch, the average American spends 101 minutes in their car every single day. If you do the math, that adds up to 592 hours per year (or more than 24 entire days). With this statistic in mind, can you think of any better way to reach potential customers other than […]
How To Choose the Right Crane Outrigger Pads
A simple Google search for “crane failure” will turn up about 23,700,000 results. If you can stomach it, do a Google Image search for “crane outrigger failure.” You’ll see hundreds of photos of many crane operators’ worst nightmare, and sadly, such construction accidents happens all the time. Too often, whenever you hear about a crane […]
The Real Value Of Gold Bullion
Many people believe that buying gold is an activity reserved for the ultra-wealthy. Even the idea of going to buy gold bars just sounds like something people of normal means wouldn’t do. This perceived barrier to entry into the world of investing assets in precious metal storage has kept many people from benefitting from this […]
Spruce up Your Business With Window Lettering and Signs
Any business owner knows the importance of advertising their services, whether they’re a new business just starting out or a chain of corporations. Your sign often defines your business to potential clients before they know anything about what you do, whether they read your name through window lettering or a flashy neon sign. For this […]
Choosing a Driveway That Will Make Your Home Look Pretty
Your driveway is one of the greatest contributors to your home’s curb appeal. A well-maintained driveway that was installed properly makes the home look well-kept and polished. On the other hand, a sunken driveways with weeds poking out of the cracks and chunks missing makes the entire home look forsaken. If you are installing a […]
How Outsourcing Workforce Management Benefits Business
Workforce management is a difficult job, and it’s one that companies often pay multiple employees to keep track of. It doesn’t have to cost you a ton of time and money though. There are plenty of companies out there who can do jobs like payroll and recruitment for you. They provide expert services for you, […]
Three Myths You Probably Believe About the Oil and Gas Industry
No one is arguing with the fact that oil and gas are one of the most critical commodities in our world. Nearly 100% of transportation on the globe depends on oil and gas for fuel. Even among electric cars, very few are charged with a renewable source, such as solar or wind power. Electric cars […]
The Importance of After Hours Answering Services
Why exactly does your business need to have a professional answering service? You might actually be pretty surprised by how beneficial an after hours call service can be, especially if you own and operate a small business and you can’t afford to keep staff overnight. The fact is, consumers expect great customer service every time […]
Toys For Tots Struggling to Find Commercial Warehousing Space Thanks to Marijuana Industry
Four billion square feet of warehouse space was built between 1990 and 2003, yet Toys for Tots can’t find anyone willing to donate some of it to a good cause this year. Toys for Tots is a national program devoted to providing gifts for less fortunate children during the holidays. Last year the Denver Area […]
Specialize to Stand Out 3 Tips for Managed Service Providers
Managed service providers used to have the benefit of very little competition. In a new market with limited options available, it was easy for a company to attract new clients wherever and whenever they wanted at times. Unfortunately, for those in the management solutions industry the rise of a vast amount of companies engaging in […]