Pricing of government contracts is an essential element that determines whether you win or lose a bid. These two elements directly affect your business either positive or negative and it’s up to you to avoid the negative impact on the business. Accurate pricing of government contracts is highly encouraged through a detailed cost and price […]
Turn Down the Template 3 Reasons to Avoid Templated Responses on Your Government Proposal
The process of bidding on government contracts can be time-consuming and challenging. Not surprisingly, a substantial number of contractors will therefore seek out templates to help them with their federal proposal writing. But this practice often hurts and hinders more than it helps. Although you may think a template is a quick and easy solution […]
Things to Think About When Buying Automatic Paper Punching Machines
Despite all of the ebooks out there, print copies of books made up 80% of their sales in 2015. In the United States alone, people use 9.125 billion tons of paper every year. It may not seem like it but print remains one of the world’s largest industries. Its main rival is the auto manufacturing […]
7 Tips for Writing Government Contract Proposals
Are you looking to get into the world of federal contracts? When you start your government contract proposal, you may not know where to start. There are two steps to the process; the selection of a vendor and then the negotiating starts. The vendor selection happens first followed by the negotiation. Tips for Writing Government […]
Pellet Fuel Purchasing Tips
If you own a pellet stove you are probably one of the few left. However, you may be trying to find a good brand of pellets for your home. How do you know if you should get dry creek pellets or another type of pellet wood for it? Does one burn better than the other? […]
What Separates A Successful Sales Executive From A Mediocre One?
What is the secret to a successful executive sales recruitment? Is it a passion for a career in sales or is it significant experience in sales and marketing? All these questions you’ll see answered below, as sales jobs have been booming in the past few years and you’re far from the only one to wonder […]
Safety Comes First Why You Need Tractor ROPS
Today, many tractor accidents that occur are overturns or rollovers that are caused by terrains, inappropriate speed, poor ballast or poor attention. When this happens, the tractor operators risk sustaining severe injuries or even death. But, this can be prevented by retrofitting your farm equipment with tractor ROPS, or rollover protective structures, and using a […]
Emergency Alert SystemsNew and Improved
Social media, in forms such as texting, twitter and Facebook, has become a widely used platform for communication on a personal level as well as the corporate level. Through mass communication software and systems, members of corporations are able to quickly reach each other with critical information that needs to be shared immediately. Typically, 90% […]
Update Your Company with a Staff App
When it comes to employing one of the best employee directory software companies, you will want to do thorough research. There are so many things to consider with there being an abundance of startups coming out with staff apps. You don’t want your business to be stuck with a bad software when you could have […]
Stop Identity Theft Before It Happens
Identity theft is an underhanded crime, one that can be difficult to catch unless both you and your bank remain vigilant. If you’re lucky, the perpetrator may have just stolen your credit card information, and all you need to do is check the charges with your bank and cancel the card. In an alarming number […]
What Is The Top New Way To Make Money? The Answer May Surprise You!
A common topic of controversy is that of the legalization of marijuana. Many argue for its benefits for medicinal use. More than that, the legal marijuana industry has become big business. Currently, 23 states plus the District of Columbia, allow the medical use of marijuana or cannabis. Statistics show that 76% of doctors approve of […]
4 Common PCB Component Terms That Every Engineer Should Know
Printed Circuit Boards are the electronic powerhouses of many devices. PCBs connect all of the electronic components of a device using pads, tracks, and other features that are assembled by manufacturing companies. Many of the concepts and terminologies that are used in PCB prototype manufacturing are foreign to many people, as well as a little […]
5 Reasons Why Your Office Should be Professionally Cleaned
No matter where you work, the workplace is a space occupied by large numbers of people at one time. While that’s important for productivity and social reasons, the unfortunate truth is that so many bodies in an enclosed space can will create a dirty work environment. A clean office is not only important for the appearance of […]
These 6 Industries Can Benefit From an Emergency Notification System
In this day and age, more companies are realizing the need for an emergency notification system. In the case of an emergency or an urgent need for communication, a mass text or alert system can be vital. But you may not realize that companies in your field could benefit from a mass notification system in […]
For the Health of Home and Family Water Check Up
Hard water is created by magnesium or calcium dissolving into the water as it flows through the pipes it has to travel through in order to reach its destination. When the water has to travel through limestone and chalk deposits, it will pick up these two minerals, and the result is what is called hard […]
Recent Updates on Medical Marijuana Use
If you’re interested in how to start a medical marijuana business, are offering medical marijuana consulting services, or are seeking ways to invest in the cannabis industry, you will want to know about some recent findings. Were you aware that in the United States, medical marijuana use is approved by 76% of its doctors? This […]
Buy Used Storage Containers to Create a Portable Office
When you buy used storage containers to be turned into mobile office space, you are doing something good for your business and the environment. Upcycling Every recycled shipping container allows more than 7500lbs of steel to be reused. It also reduces the number of traditional building supplies that must be produced and purchased, such as […]
Five Ways Proposal Writing Software Will Help Your Small Business Succeed!
Do you own a small business? Are you a government contractor or are you trying to become one? If so, you will undeniably need assistance in the complex world that is federal contracting. In the United States there are approximately 26.5 million businesses. However, statistics show that 99.7% of businesses have less than 500 employees. […]
4 Ways to Ensure Customer Service With an Answering Service
If you own a business then there are certain things that you want to make sure that you invest in, in order to ensure top customer service quality. When you are in the start up phases, your product may not be perfect, your shipping service slow or your employees under-trained. But, if you can get […]
Green Janitorial Services for All Your Professional Business Needs
Many people would say that there is a stigma around being a janitor. If someone has to work as a janitor, they might be looking for another word for janitor work or another word for office cleaner, for example. However, it is a good idea to realize that janitorial work is actually very important. Without […]