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5 Benefits of Compressor Oil Purifiers

A compressor oil purifier (COP) is a type of proactive control system designed for oil-flooded rotary screw air compressors. They combine ultra-fine filtration technologies and ion exchange acid absorption to remove clearance-size solids and harmful acids that build up over time in compressor fluids. How does a compressor oil purifier work? Compressor oil purifiers combine […]

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Working With Metals The Benefits Of Burnishing Tools

In the United States, there are an ample amount of professions in which individuals thrive. Some head down the path of education. Others head down the path of medicine. And some, head down the path of working with metals and other goods. This is considered a portion of the manufacturing industry. This industry is quite […]

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What Types Of Businesses Are Essential During The Pandemic?

COVID-19 has changed the face of America. Our everyday routines have been disrupted as we socially distance, isolating ourselves from the rest of the world. A number of events have been canceled or postponed, including the 2020 Summer Olympics. Many people are separated from their loved ones, communicating through their computers and phones rather than […]

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Understanding the Criticality of Borescope and NDE Inspections

Natural gas is the second most heavily consumed energy source in the United States, and the United States was the largest producer of natural gas in 2016, extracting almost 750 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Natural gas is the driving force for turbines across the country, fueling aircraft, trains, ships, electrical generators, pumps, compressors, […]

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Oil Degradation 101: How Does it Work and Why is it Dangerous

Compressors can suffer burnout. However, when subjected to a detailed analysis, compressor burnout can have many causes. Here are three examples of compressor failure: Creep Also known as deformation, creep is a material failure mode that is caused by a combination of thermal and physical stress. If you imagine a metal part that is subjected […]

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How To Choose a Freight Shipping Company

Today, the freight industry is one of the largest industries considering the number of goods that are movement either domestically or internationally on a daily basis. This is the reason why different businesses have developed unique strategies regarding how they handle the movement of their goods. For example, there are certain companies with that have […]

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What Is Your Company’s Sales Plan During the Pandemic?

As the nation deals with the Covid-19 outbreak, businesses both large and small are rethinking the sales strategy that will help them work best. From grocery stores that have products flying off the shelves to sit down restaurants that are being closed, the discussion of a successful sales strategy is helping companies make the best […]

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Planning for the Emotional Well Being of Learners

This is no Spring Break. You am cleaning, finding virtual field trips, learning about remote learning, finding on line books for your students to read, thinking about how you are going to Montessori this online learning, thinking about lesson plans and weekly themes, what supplies you will need from school, thinking about and planning a […]