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5 Products Fibertech Makes Through Rotational Molding

As a rotational plastic molding company, Fibertech is constantly trying to grow and improve upon our offered products and services. We started in 1999 by developing one of the most durable, longest-lasting plastic bulk containers the industry had ever seen. Today, we’re as committed as ever to improving our product line of everything from laundry […]

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How to Throw the Very Best Parties

Parties bring people together and encourage social interaction as well as providing opportunities to meet new people. Here is everything you need for putting together a great party from the beer pump accessories to games and food. Alcohol In order to have a good party you need good alcohol. Everybody’s favorite is an open bar. […]

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Four Ways to Clear Up Your PPC Keywords

Internet marketing is crucial for anyone who owns a business. Everyone uses the Internet nowadays. With over 100 billion global searches being conducted each month, 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. One aspect of Internet marketing that will help your web presence is PPC. An acronym for paid per click, this […]

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LED Signs For Businesses, Churches, And Even Schools

It’s one thing to catch your audience’s attention through a print ad. People are looking for ads when looking through a newspaper. For that matter, they expect them when surfing the web. Catching the attention of people outdoors is another thing entirely. Many businesses or meeting places find that it’s much easier to “get” their […]

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3 Ways the Pharma Packaging Industry Changed the World

The pharmaceutical industry has significantly grown over the last few decades and has since shown no since of slowing down. The medicine itself is so advanced, so complex, so life changing, that it’s a shame we often take it for granted. A smaller part of the pharma industry, although very large indeed, is the packaging […]

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4 Reasons You May Not Have Gotten That Sales Job

No matter how many you have done, interviewing for sales career opportunities can be stressful. It can sometimes be hard to know exactly what to say or what employers are looking for. As someone looking for a job in sales, it is important to sell yourself in a memorable way to get the job you […]