Construction workers do very important work, but in doing so, put themselves in danger every day. Construction is a dangerous business, but that is why there are so many safety precautions in place. OSHA advises construction companies to train their employees in slip, trip, and fall safety. OSHA also performs random equipment inspections and job […]
Tips for Choosing a Good Commercial Space for Rent
Are you thinking about placing your business or a chain in a new town? One thing you’ll have to consider are the options for kinds of commercial space for rent that are available. There are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind when thinking about looking at a business space for rent. Luckily, […]
It’s Important to Shred Your Important Documents
There is plenty of information involved in the running of any business that is best kept out of the wrong hands. Whether it’s financial information, personal information, plans, passwords, etc, it’s important to make sure that this information doesn’t get into the wrong hands. For these reasons, its important to make sure that you shred […]
Ever Wonder How CNC Machinery Works? Here’s What You Should Know
Gone are the days where factories rely on assembly lines filled with workers who each perform one simple function. Today, even in the manufacturing facilities that have “reshored” and returned to the United States, factory work has become a high-tech process that relies on heavy machinery controlled by computers. These computer numerical control or CNC […]
Advantages of Hiring a Sales Recruitment Firm
When you hire bad sales reps, you’re not just wasting time and annoying your other sales people; you’re costing the company significant amounts of money. In fact, the cost of hiring a sales person who doesn’t work out can cost six to 10 times the sales person’s base salary. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to […]
Three Incredible Facts You Never Knew About Cooling Towers
Everyone has likely seen a cooling tower system at least once in their life — these tall, cylindrical structures are hard to miss when driving through the country. However, there may be much more to these towers, which cool the hot water waste from industrial and nuclear processes, than you had ever realized possible. Do […]
Three Questions You Need to Ask Before Buying Those Server Rack Cabinets
While server rack cabinets are one of the lowest upfront costs your data center will have to incur, that doesn’t mean you should just invest in any old server rack enclosure. Your choice of cabinets for your server racks will impact your data center’s efficiency and daily function — so making the right purchasing decision […]
Survey Shows 75% of Companies Find Online Marketing Effective
If you are looking for ways to attract new clients, increase revenues and further improve your business, you are likely aware that there are a number of different advertising and business consulting services available to help you achieve these goals. With the prominent role the internet now plays in our daily lives and purchasing decisions, […]
Tips on Designing a Customer Friendly Website
One of the most important aspects of having a successful business in today’s internet based world is having the best internet marketing strategies. There are four billion active mobile phones in the world today, and over one billion of these are smart phones. Multitasking is also commonplace in our society, and about 86% of smartphone […]
The Importance of a Good Water Filtration System
Water plays a very important part in your everyday life. Think about it: you use water to shower, brush your teeth, flush the toilet, cook your food, wash your hands, drink, wash your car, clean your laundry, even swim in, and that’s only the beginning. Water is everywhere, and it’s important that we keep that […]
Ghana Addresses Collapsing Building Issue
Construction safety and proper material handling are important issues all over the world. We tend to think about them only in the domestic sense since that’s what’s right in front of us, but such safety regulations a actually less tangible in other parts of the world where materials that we take for granted and regulations […]
Why Are CRA Health Spending Accounts the Right Insurance Choice for Canada’s Small Businesses?
When it comes to health care on an individual basis, choice is an important factor in selecting both elective and medically necessary services. But while Canadians have the advantage of a public healthcare system, they are also fairly limited in their choice for how some services are paid for. Group benefits for small business employees […]
Exploring the Benefits of Video Marketing
It’s no secret that the internet has completely revolutionized the way we live our lives, especially the ways in which we do business. This drastic change is perhaps most evident in the advertising and marketing industries. Gone are the days of rifling through the yellow pages or being lured in by sandwich boards. Consumers are […]
Three Types of Outdoor Business Signs
Believe it or not, over half of a small business’s customer base comes from the on premise signs alone. It can be easy to get preoccupied with the signage inside a store, advertising products, services, or sales, but it’s important to have sufficient signage for bringing people in. Here are three types of outdoor signage […]
How You Can Incorporate Creative Advertising into Your Small Business’s Marketing Campaign
Marketing for small business can be difficult if you don’t know what your niche is. Developing a core base of customers can be tough when you haven’t quite narrowed down whom it is you want to reach, so your advertising can flounder. However, working with a marketing agency will give you the ability to develop […]
Three Preventive Measures You Should Be Taking With Your Above Ground Storage Tanks
Above ground storage tanks — whether they’re field erected tanks or not — are a necessity at nearly all agricultural and industrial ventures. However, they’re also highly vulnerable to damage, corrosion and more, considering the nature of the chemicals, fertilizers and fuels that are commonly stored within them. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you […]
The Tops Reasons Why We Need Cooling Towers
What are cooling towers? Although the majority of Americans can only point them out (and some can’t even do that much), cooling towers serve a very important purpose. Without cooling towers, the oil refineries, chemical plants, and thermochemical plants that power homes and buildings may pose a very real threat to the environment — and […]
Three Tools You Absolutely Shouldn’t Use to Open a Package Unless You Want to Hurt Yourself
According to a survey in Yours Magazine, 71% of respondents had hurt themselves when trying to open difficult packages, like plastic blister packaging for example. This means that out of a random grouping of people, about seven out of 10 have hurt themselves trying to get a package open. If you’re one of the three […]
Three of the Most Common Injuries People Get When Trying to Open Packages
Blister packaging is supposed to be easy to open, but if you’ve ever encountered any clamshell blister packaging designs — one of the toughest types of blister packaging — then you know that opening a simple package can be sometimes be a pretty difficult task. In fact, opening these plastic blister packaging designs can be […]
Four of the Best Drinks Mobile Cafes Have to Offer
Mobile cafes’ menus are pretty extensive, and can be kind of tricky to navigate for the casual coffee drinker. To help you find your new favorite way to consume caffeine, here’s a quick guide on the different styles of coffee drinks you can get at a mobile cafe. Espresso. Espressos are the base drink of […]