Why is your business floundering lately? Is it a lackluster marketing strategy or perhaps the winds of change in a fluctuating economy? Whatever the reason may be, you can at least ensure it has nothing to do with your business sign. After all, LED business signs and related media are your best foot forward and a poor first impression can be the deciding factor in your future success. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions concerning commercial business signs, all the better to ensure you get started on the right track.
Why Should I Use LED Business Signs?
It’s imperative you seek out the most effective options at your disposal to maximize your business’ chances for success. Industry projections for the year 2019 are expecting LED business signs to achieve a stunning 53% penetration of the global lighting industry, meaning it’s never been a better time to ramp up your brand.
How Common Are Traditional Methods Of Marketing?
Although some businesses still use newspaper advertisements and regular signs, they’re starting to fall out of favor in light of the digital future. Some industry professionals have even began to compare methods against one another — the value of an on-site sign has been found to be the same as 24 full-page newspaper ads on a yearly basis, meaning you’ll have a more effective campaign on top of saving money consistently. Studies have also shown that adding or changing a sign will directly improve your sales revenue by as much as 8%.
What Should I Be Careful Of?
While each advertisement holds merit for your potential client base, some have been found to be more efficient than others. Location is one of the most vital components of successful LED business signs — studies have shown 35% of people wouldn’t have even discovered a business had it not been for their easily located sign.
How Often Will They See My GSA Signs?
Nobody wants to feel they’re wasting money on advertisements that won’t even be seen. Ongoing studies are conducted to figure out just what connects with customers and what doesn’t. Over 68% of poll respondents said they either frequently or sometimes make their shopping decisions while in the car, while another 30% said they visited the retailer they saw on a billboard within a week. Even more said they would visit a restaurant later that week due to an ad they saw outside. If this sounds like your cup of tea, you’re well on your way to securing and promoting your work through digital means.
What Kind Of Advertising Should I Use?
If you want to stand out in the crowd while saving money on a yearly basis, you’ll want to check out LED business signs. Whether they’re municipal signs or electronic advertisements for your church, an LED sign company will ensure you’re able to get your message out and in style. More than one-third of all customers report looking at an outdoor ad either every time or most of the time they pass one, while 70% of people often look at messages on roadside billboards. Want to bolster your future? It all starts with a single sign.