With so much of today’s information being circulated online, more and more companies or businesses are making the shift to marketing themselves or their products online. In order to keep customers engaged, many use social media outreach (like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.,) or blog writing services that post at least two to three times a week, in order to keep customers coming back. Over 60% of Internet users today look up information about products online and in 2011, over $1 trillion of retail sales were influenced by the web. These numbers show that utilizing the Internet for your business is becoming more and more crucial in driving sales. However, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. One of these is having SEO plans, which can boost your search rankings if someone is using a search engine to find information. Good web design is another element to keep in mind, as well as having specific social media plans to put into action.
What is SEO and What SEO Plans Should I Make?
SEO stands for search engine optimization. In essence, using SEO means formatting your web pages to have specific keywords that search engine formulas use when someone uses a search engine to find information. Having good SEO means that your website will come up towards the top of the page, while having bad SEO means that while the search engine may pull up your website, it might be towards the latter end of pages. Since no one really clicks past the first three pages of a search engine, your business won’t be found as easily. Creating SEO can be time consuming and confusing for many people. Luckily, SEO plans exist, based out of companies whose purpose is to get your website better hits. Different SEO companies may offer different types of SEO plans or social media plans, depending on your need and price point. A quick search of “SEO plans” will bring up a wealth of companies for you to choose from.
Social Media
With over 70% of Facebook users logging onto the website daily (and almost 50% doing it more than once a day), social media is a great way to boost sales and spread knowledge. Most companies now have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and some have even gone to Instagram or Tumblr. Twitter’s attraction is that it’s pithy: 140 characters or less and customers can share and skim easily. Instagram appeals to more visual customers, displaying attractive pictures or graphic design. Blogging is also another great way to spark interest and custom WordPress development allows you to customize your blog to reflect the company or products you’re trying to sell. With blogs, customers often feel they learn something new about the company or the staff that works there, and it builds a trust relationship.
If you’re trying to break into the online market, definitely consult an SEO company, a good web designer, and a social media expert. Working with these three fields can launch your business online quickly and with excellent results.