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Essential Facts About Certified Treasury Professionals

As the title implies, a certified treasury professional is a person who has gone through considerable training, specifically financial risk management training courses, and has taken and passed the one and only official certified treasury professional test. They are often employed by companies looking for a trained professional who possesses the knowledge to identify and […]

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Three Mistakes Every Hiring Manager Needs to Avoid

Hiring the best sales people is a serious challenge for many business owners and managers, despite the fact that there are some 22 million sales professionals in North America. While there are lots of factors that make it difficult for employers to find and hire the right people, some of the most influential are mistakes […]

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Healthcare Gets Hi-Tech

What is the future of patient care? Electronic health records, predictive analysis, and new software and pharmacy point of sale systems may revolutionize the way doctors and hospitals diagnose and treat patients. New software may enable doctors to use electronic health records to predict heart attacks before they happen. Live monitoring of pharmacies is likely […]

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What Mark Zuckerberg Can Teach Us About SEO

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is making headlines with his recent $19 billion acquisition of mobile messaging application WhatsApp. Critics question Zuckerberg’s enthusiasm to purchase WhatsApp, “a company with at most $300 million revenues and 55 employees,” according to Forbes. The acquisition, however, was very smart — and there is a lot marketers can stand to […]

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Designing a Compelling and Trendy Exterior

Want to draw the crowds in? A staggering number of business owners make the same mistake: devoting all of their time to interior design and too little time to creating compelling exteriors. Creating a striking exterior design is just as important. Attract customers with the hottest exterior design trends of 2014: Bold Color Schemes “In […]

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Dependable Equipment is Vital for Machining Industry Success

Efficiency and consistent production are both vital in the machining industry. Without them, it would be impossible for businesses to thrive. But no matter how hard employees work to meet customer demands and always produce high-quality work, the right equipment is always necessary. Without using strong and reliable tools, business owners and managers will find […]

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Are Electronic Health Records Promoting Negligent Care?

Why are some doctor’s offices and hospitals resisting the switch to electronic health records? Although many doctors and physicians tout the benefits of digital systems and the federal government plans to sink up to $27 billion into funding electronic records (according to USA Today), some are still hesitant to adopt the new systems. Here’s why […]

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Three Reasons Business Cards are a Timeless Tool

The growth of social media and increased internet connectivity with smartphones has allowed digital communications to gain prominence in the business world. However, traditional business cards, which have been used for decades, still have a place. They will include important contact information that makes it easy for other professionals or possibly even people looking to […]

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How to Get Your Company Noticed!

Getting your company recognized and more visible to the general public is no easy task. You have to compete will thousands of other companies who may be offering a similar product or service, and try to find way to set your product apart. While there is no 100% guaranteed method of doing this, there are […]

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Helpful House Moving Tips!

When you are planning to relocate to a new home, there are many different things to consider before you pack up your house. If you begin packing randomly, and do not have a method to your madness, you will end up with more of a mess than you want, and you will have no idea […]

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It Is Dangerous to Go Through Life Without Insurance

Did you know that only 40% of Americans actually remember being offered life insurance within the past two years? However, insurance is an important entity to have because it helps protect your finances in the case of an accident or other unwanted event. There are several types of insurance available, including home and auto, and […]

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Ad Retargeting Explained

What is retargeting? Many marketers are rallying behind a new tactic — one that is especially useful for small businesses — called ad retargeting. Website retargeting focuses on a big problem for small businesses: only 2% of first-time visitors actually buy something, Small Business Trends reports. The website continues, “Retargeting focuses on the 98% of […]

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Hop On the Latest Marketing Trends

In recent years, advertising and marketing strategies have shifted toward the internet. It is no longer enough to simply put ads in the paper, send out flyers, and make television commercials. As smartphone and mobile devices usage has increased exponentially, people are more connected to the internet than ever before. This has made it even […]