The Importance Of Donating Your Old Goods Here In the United States

If you’re wondering where to donate household items, you are certainly not alone, at least not here in the United States. After all, figuring out where to donate household items can be a great alternative to simply throwing that away, especially considering the growing waste problem that our country – and so many other places al throughout the world as a whole – is facing. Unfortunately, the data surrounding waste in the United States more than backs up this claim.

This data shows that the average person here in the United States – not average household but each and every individual person – will actually throw away as much has 70 pounds of linens, clothing, and other various textiles over the course of just one single year. When it comes to clothing alone, the average person is likely to throw out ten pounds of the stuff – something that makes all too much sense, as the average person tends to consume nearly 70 new garments and various articles of clothing within this very same span of time. In total, it’s estimated that the average adult person will now by twice as much clothing as what the average adult person living in the United States would have bought even just a couple of decades ago, showing just how drastically our overall consumption has increased. In total, this means that up to ten and a half million tons of clothing – and even more types of other textiles – are ending up in landfills each and every year, all within this one country alone.

Fortunately, donating your clothing at a clothing pick up site and figuring out where to donate household items can be tremendously impactful in reducing your overall production of waste. Though people are typically only donating about 15% of their used clothing, even these relatively small scale clothing donations have begun to make a difference. After all, more than four and a half billion pounds of clothing are now donated each and every year, showing that people finding the time to figure out where to donate household goods is really making a difference. Some clothes donations, after all, are certainly better than no charity clothing donations.

But we can most certainly take steps to be better and to reduce how much clothing ultimately goes the landfill on a yearly basis. For instance, it’s estimated that up to 100% (or very nearly 100%) of all textiles can be in some way donated here in the United States, even if its not to charities such as wounded veterans charities and the like. Many people erroneously think that they should only figure out and look up where to donate household items if they are in stellar shape and quality. However, this is actually quite far from the case and even poorly kept textile products or well used textiles can be repurposed in some way instead of just being thrown away. After all, even the most run down of all textiles are typically able to be used as things like factory rags and the stuffing for couches and other elements of furniture produced not just here in the United States but on a worldwide basis as well.

Figuring out where to donate household items can be important from a charitable perspective as well. After all, many charities readily accept donations of clothing as well as donations of household items and donation pick up sites answer the question of where to donate household items in the vast majority of cases. After all, there are more donation pick up sites than ever before, all throughout the United States, and these donation pick up sites make it quite incredibly easy to make charitable donations no matter where you might find yourself located in the entirety of the country.

At the end of the day, answering the question of where to donate household items can seem somewhat daunting – but it is really anything but. Household items and clothing articles can be donated in many different places and while in many different conditions. And donating is nearly always going to be better than simply throwing something away and sending it to a landfill.

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