Now that the rains of the Hurricane Harvey have finally left the city of Houston, it is now time to move into the recovery and rebuilding stage. As the images on television and in the newspaper have shown, however, the standing water throughout the city will remain for days, maybe weeks. With all of that standing water, then, it is essential that experts use the analysis of water quality parameters are closely monitored as people look for ways to return to their homes.
As entire city water systems are compromised, in fact, it will be the analysis of water quality parameters that will guide communities in creating a safe space for citizens of all ages. From nursing homes where residents were trapped in waist high waters to school buildings that were filled with three to four feet of flood water, all kinds of buildings will need to to cleaned out and water systems will have to be checked an tested before life can begin returning to normal.
How Confident Are You About the Water That Your Family Drinks and Uses Every Day?
Water quality monitoring is essential in a variety applications. From checking residential drinking water, to industrial, commercial, medical, and lab uses, analysis of water quality parameters is essential.
Consider these statistics about the use of water quality testing kits and other ways to guarantee that you are drinking and using safe water in your home and office:
- 44% of assessed stream miles are not clean enough to support uses such as fishing and swimming.
- 64% of assessed lake acres are not clean enough to support uses such as fishing and swimming.
- 30% of assessed bay and estuarine square miles are not clean enough to support uses such as fishing and swimming.
- 2 million tons of industrial and agricultural waste and sewage are discharged into the world’s water every day.
- Only 28% of the nation’s streams have healthy biological communities compared to best possible conditions in their region.
- 3.1% of all deaths worldwide and 3.7% of disability adjusted life years worldwide are caused by unsafe or inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene cause approximately.
Water quality indicators definitions help both individuals and agencies monitor the water that is used. As agencies across the state of Texas use water resistivity measurements to make sure that conditions are safe in areas that are trying to recover, the rest of America is reminded of the importance of quality water in every parts of their lives.