At pretty much every company that relies on profits driven by the sale of products and services, the sales department might be the most crucial driving force behind the company’s success.
But if you are having trouble filling sales positions at your company — or if you need higher-quality salespeople — then your company likely isn’t performing at its full potential. In fact, the average turnover rate for salespeople is a staggering 40%! As a result, seeking out the help of sales recruitment companies could be the answer to making your company succeed.
Here are the four best reasons why your company should enlist the help of a sales recruitment agency to do your hiring for you:
1. Sales recruitment agencies save money: Did you know that the average cost of making a hiring mistake with sales employees can be anywhere from six to 10 times their yearly salary? Hiring the wrong salespeople is a devastatingly costly venture. A sales recruitment agency, however, pre-screens all of its sales employees before placing them with companies, saving you hundreds of thousands of company dollars.
2. Sales recruitment increases your company’s clientele: To be employed by a sales recruitment agency, a salesperson must have years of experience and proven success in sales. As a result, the employees placed at your company will have the best skill sets and bring in more sales, greatly increasing profits and cost-efficiency.
3. Sales recruiters save time: Think about all the time you or your human resources department spends on hiring salespeople. When you hire a sales recruitment agency, this time will once again become yours to spend on other aspects of your job that had previously taken a backseat to the hiring process.
4. Sales recruiters hone the careers of salespeople: When a salesperson works for a recruiting agency, he or she will receive constant training and education on how to optimize his or her skills — and these are skills that will last an entire lifetime. Choosing to hire people from a recruiting agency means choosing the best possible employees the sales sector has to offer.