A telephone can look like it weighs five tons, but picking it up is the hardest part. The more you use that telephone, the more it comes up from the hook, the lighter it gets! There are over 22 million sales professionals in North America alone, and each day they pick up their phones to speak with people all over the world. But of these near quarter million sales professionals, 40% will not meet their quota, 22% are unable to pass basic training, and only 10% will actually provide a return on investment (ROI).
Luckily, there is a simple solution to this problem. Sales recruitment specialists exist to help you find and hire the people who will drive your company towards success. A career in sales is not something to take lightly, and these professionals work to make that known and to seek out the best sales people available to your business. At its very core, sales is a business of socializing. When looking for candidates for sales positions, confidence, patience, and perseverance are three of the most important traits they can possess. Confidence and selling ability are generally a package deal. If your candidate is confident and charismatic, they probably won’t have any problem completing sales. Building confidence can be tough, but having a good understanding of the product being pitched, the competition, and the most effective sales techniques can turn an average sales associate into a star performer.
Sales recruitment specialists typically have a wide range of personal contacts in their industry, which makes finding suitable candidates for your company easier for both parties involved. A sales career is all about following up, again and again. More than 40% of sales associates will give up on a sale after just one “no” from a client, which doesn’t help you, or your business. Sales recruitment agencies seek out people with the most relevant skills, knowledge, qualifications and educational or job related experience. It’s just like picking up a phone. The more familiar you become with the methods of sales recruiters, the easier it will be to seek out people with the right skills and experience for your company.
Finding the professionals who can help your business and its employees grow together isn’t nearly as difficult as seeking out sales candidates on your own. Don’t let your marketing business slip through your fingers because the statistics don’t favor the average sales associate. Seek out sales recruitment specialists so they can help your company be the best it can be!