What do sales recruiters look for?
A career in sales and marketing requires far more than experience in the field. This is especially true if you have a strong sales force already in place who can mentor new staff and teach them about the company. The major indicator of whether or not a person will be able to successfully have a career in sales, is their ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people.
Executive sales recruitment requires the ability to identify those people who are exceptional communicators. However, it is not simply the ability to communicate an idea effectively. Educators are skilled communicators but most would not be properly equipped to flourish in a sales career. This is why effective executive sales recruitment also requires the ability to identify that elusive quality which turns a good communicator into the shining star of the sales department. It is a combination of confidence, charisma, enthusiasm, and adaptability that combine to create an individual who can take your product or service and make people believe they not only want it, but that they need it.
Patience and Perseverance
If sales jobs only required good communication and a special kind of charm, every person who is known as the life of the party would be working in sales. The final component, and one of the most difficult to identify, is the level of patience and perseverance the individual possesses. These qualities are vitally important for two reasons. First, the latest research indicates that only about 20% of leads are followed up. When you consider that 80% of those potential sales slip away with no effort to retain them, it?s no surprise that a great deal of perseverance will be necessary. Patience is required because nearly all of the sales that do occur with follow up, require the sales agent to follow up at least five times with the customer. Charmingly good communicators are able to chat clients up and leave an excellent perception with the casual shopper, but only those with patience and perseverance are going to have acceptable sales levels.
Effective executive sales recruitment depends on being able to quickly weed out the charmers from the hard workers. Those who are willing to persistently contact potential customers time and again, while maintaining that effortless charms, are the ones your company needs. Executive sales recruitment experts are able to find them and deliver them to you.