Do you have plans to attend any trade shows this year? Have you planned out your trade show booth? The average that is spent on these events and other exhibits is about 32% of a company’s marketing budget. This amounts to more than @24 billion spend every year by companies in the United States for trade show booth designs. Nearly 70% of these company set no clear objectives for their trade show booths. That is too bad because the average trade show attendee will spend 9.5 hours looking at the exhibits.
5 Tips to Get the Most from Your Trade Show Booth Designs:
- Decide what you want to accomplish. Sometimes companies get into a habit of booking their trade show floor space, sending their employees to attend the trade show and it all feels more automatic than inspired. If you are not sure what you want to accomplish with a booth, send your staff to attend the trade show but do not spend the money on the booth. Really be strategic with your trade show booth designs. What do you want to get out of this? Do you want to raise awareness of your organization? Do you want to get more people on your mailing list? Are you looking to partner with other organizations? You will do yourself no favors and will not be able to tell if your trade show experience was a success if you do not have a goal you want to accomplish.
- Make everything legible. If no one can read your signs, no one will bother to learn about you. When looking at your font size you should think of this ratio, for every foot the person viewing it is from the sign, you need to add an inch to the font height. To be seen from a distance of ten feet, the font size needs to be ten inches, for example. Sans serif fonts are widely considered to be the easiest to read. You will need to use the font that is in your logo but keep the number of fonts you use to two or three. Once you go above that, your message starts to get lost in a sea of fonts. Factor your font choices into all of your trade show exhibit design
- Place your graphics high up. If you have graphics that you want everyone in the room to be able to see, get them up as high as you can. There will be trade show regulations, which you should receive before you start working on your custom exhibit design. Typically, you can place your graphics between six and eight feet up from the floor. If you are looking at more short range viewers, you can afford to put your graphics between five and six feet up from the ground.
- Vary your graphics. You need to make all of your trade show booth designs as interesting to look at as possible. This can be achieved by using a few different kinds of graphics. These will be visible to people who are standing in different areas of the trade show floor. You need to think about people who are far away, at a medium distance and who are right next to your trade show booth.
- Do not make your images too busy. Most graphic design experts recommend using graphics that are about 40% empty space. A lot of people think that seems like a lot and try to cram in as much as they can but that just makes it hard to get the message from the images and graphics. Sometimes the adage, “Less is more” is very appropriate. In this space, it absolutely is.
Trade show booth designs offer something that other marketing options do not. Your organization will be surrounded by other groups and people whom you know are interested in the kind of work that you do. That means you are surrounded by a receptive audience. You can make the most of this with effective exhibit booth design that excite and interest people but you have to set goals for your staff and then follow through. That will give you a successful trade show experience.