“Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that,’ said Paul Cookson, published author and publisher of a successful website. He’s right. When you take time off work, you web design is either working for you or against you. Small business web design can be tricky. With so few people on your roster, you may not know who to enlist the help of and how to keep things updated. Not to mention, internet marketing may be the only way to drive actual traffic to your website. Follow the guidelines below and you will be well on your way!
Keep small business web design simple and intuitive
You don’t want an internet learning curve to come between you and a potential customer. Steve Krug’s “first law of usability” stresses that users shouldn’t really have to even think when they are using your site. Their flow through your pages should be easy and simple. Not to mention, much research suggests that users prefer simple navigation to flashy, complicated interface. This means website templates, like Square Space or WordPress, are great! They are made with users in mind. Then you can save money for the next important thing: internet marketing firms.
Drive traffic with any means necissary
This isn’t Rome. If you build it, they still may not come. Think of Google as the woman who directs traffic. Her big, orange baton points customers in the right direction. There are all kinds of ways to appease Google so that she will send customers your way. But let’s be honest, that’s not your expertise. For the best internet marketing, it may be worth hiring out. Even if you did learn the basics, internet marketing is always evolving. And there are so many platforms (desktops, tablets, phones) that it may be best left to the experts.
Think about social media
Now here’s where you may be able to wield your own internet power. Social media works best when it is an outlet for customers and business to engage in authentic conversations. Its a new way of relationship building. In this regard, social media is best left up to you instead of a marketing firm. Be sure to post on Facebook during primetime, which is in the evening.
This is just the tip of the iceberg! Small business web design may just feel like another thing to add to your to-do list but if you really spend some time on it, it will no doubt pay off. Ger more information on this topic here.