Using Pick Up Laundry Services to Serve Your Laundromat

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Owning and running a laundromat is a lot of work. The traditional methods of growing your business are being outmoded for pick-up laundry services, partly due to the COVID 19 pandemic. This video discusses how to get more growth from your laundromat with fewer machines and overhead costs.

The traditional path to growing a successful laundromat business was to start with one, build up your commercial clientele list, and use your profits to buy more machines or even another laundromat.

The downsides to this are that it’s time-consuming and overhead costs keep going up. To save up enough money to buy expensive machines or buy another laundromat takes a lot of time. Meanwhile, you have more machines to take care of and insure.

With the COVID pandemic, people became less and less likely to stop into a laundromat, leading business owners to take a new direction: pick up laundry services. Owners can now pick up multiple loads at a price per load or even a subscription model. They don’t need to buy more machines or another laundromat, and the only potential overhead is a vehicle to accomplish the pick-ups.

Costs go down, and revenue increases, allowing your business to grow without the same risk as before. Pick-up laundry services are the future of the laundromat business.

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