If you want to extend the life of your forklift, then proper repair and maintenance should be undertaken on a regular basis. This way, you will avoid costly repairs that you would otherwise incur in the event that the problem escalates. It is however important to note that even the most comprehensive repairs from professional forklift repair services cannot guarantee that there will be no issues with your forklift. This is the reason why you should at least have some basic knowledge about troubleshooting common repair problems. This is the only way that you can be able to seek immediate assistance from an equipment specialist. Below are some basic repair and troubleshooting tips for your forklift.
Take the Forklift out of Service
Picture a situation where your operator notifies you at the beginning of the shift that the steering wheel of one of the forklifts keeps getting stuck. It is easy to assume the problem hoping that probably the problem will self-rectify itself before the end f the day. However, overlooking such a serious issue could cause major problems that could even end up into a catastrophic accident. In the event that the wheel gets stuck completely, you could potentially cause massive property damage or even cause injuries to fellow workers caused by an out-of-control forklift. Assuming that you don’t have equipment expertise, the first troubleshooting step is to remove the forklift from service as you wait for equipment specialists dealing in forklift repair services.
Identify the Source of the Problem
Without an expert opinion from an equipment specialist, chances are that you are less likely to know the exact cause of the problem. However, any forklift operator has to have some basic knowledge on the functionality of the forklift. This means that while you might not be able to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem, you can trace the source of the issue based on how the forklift is performing or under-performing. Having an idea of what could be the problem will make work easier for the forklift repair services as they will understand the kind of repair services you are looking for. Some of the most common issues with forklifts today are electrical problems, mast problem, steering problem and tire problem. Electrical problems can be identified in the event that you have trouble starting the forklift or the battery is not charging. Mast problems are mostly associated with hydraulic leaks making it impossible to lift loads. If you are having trouble guiding the forklift, this could be a sign of a steering problem. Tire issues are common and mostly deal with worn-out tires. Some of the issues to do with tires but you need to seek assistance from forklift repair services least you risk blown tires that could cause work-site accidents at the warehouse.
Call a Qualified Technician
Almost every problem with your forklift requires onsite evaluation from qualified forklift repair services. There are some issues that might require parts replacement which is why you should collect some information about the forklift and send it to the equipment specialists so that the parts that need to be replaced are compatible with that specific forklift model. Some issues have forklift operators assuming that they can fix the problem all by themselves-which sometimes is true. Take for example low fluids, it is easy to identify the problem of low fluids and even fix it. However, what happens if there are additional underlying mechanical problems or even a major issue with the hydraulic system caused by a prolonged leak? Such an issue would be hard to identify especially if you are not an expert in forklift repair.
Tips for Troubleshooting and Repairing a Forklift