Any business owner knows the importance of advertising their services, whether they’re a new business just starting out or a chain of corporations. Your sign often defines your business to potential clients before they know anything about what you do, whether they read your name through window lettering or a flashy neon sign. For this reason, you want to ensure that your sign is professional and resembles yourself and your company to reach out to all those people who may soon be lifelong customers.
Signs can come in many ways. You may choose to utilize a banner, window lettering, neon or illuminated signs, real estate signs, vehicle wraps, dimensional signs, promotional items and much more. Sign manufacturers will often have the option to choose either one sign, or thousands, depending on your specific needs. Finding a one stop shop that can fulfill all your advertising desires.
Business signs, and therefore sign suppliers, are a huge asset to your company. Studies show that the average person will see your sign twice a day, adding up to 60 times a month. About 35% of people admit to looking at a business sign almost every time they pass it. One of the many reasons your sign is so important is the fact that 35% of people wouldn’t even know your business existed without some sort of window letting, car window graphics or impressive sign. The same 35% would not know where to locate your business without product from a commercial sign company.
Window lettering helps a passerby see where your location is, but a digital sign will attract 30% more sales than a traditional one and they are 40% more likely to purchase from said merchants. When new customers were asked what drew them into the store, 50% of them said they were interested in checking out the business because of a sign on the premise. If you want to get a little more flashy with your advertising, you can use lighted business signs from a LED sign manufacturer. A study that IBM conducted showed that 72% of customers and clients responded to an interactive message when in sight of the location of the company. The reasons they have found for this increased interest is that 58% of people find the digital signs to be more unique, 53% believe it is more entertaining and 48% of people think the interactive signs are less annoying. There was a study conducted by a global consumer and research and consulting firm, OTX, that shows digital signs catches the attention of 63% more adults than regular signs.
There is no need to worry about the cost of supplying your business with signs either. The prices vary due to size, material, color and content but a small sign, typically 12″ by 6″ may only cost $8, as compared to a larger sign, such a 30″ by 30″, could cost around $100.