Virtual office solutions have become more prevalent across several markets. Third party IT support, virtual reception services, accounting support and even legal support is provided by professionals that work out of a home office rather than a traditional office space. These professionals choose to work out of a Delaware virtual office rather than a traditional office since the cost of renting traditional office space is so high. A virtual office in Delaware provides excellent office space solutions to a professional of any kind. Establishing virtual Delaware office space may be much easier with the support of an expert on virtual office space delaware businesses are legally allowed to set up.
If you would like to maintain a business address in Delaware, make sure that you are legally cleared to do so first. Trying to skirt tax law by having a business address in Delaware may end up getting you in trouble. If you get audited for income earned in Delaware that you do not report in another state, this will probably affect your ability to maintain a company. You may also face criminal charges if you abuse your address in Delaware. However, with careful planning, it is possible to set up a Delaware address while working out of a virtual office and enjoying the tax law that favors Delaware business owners. You may also be able to establish more business in the state of Delaware despite living in another state when you use a local address.