Moderating the indoor temperature of a building of virtually any company is essential to producing high quality products. Unfortunately this can cost a lot of money and hike up utility bills if not operated efficiently.
In order to reduce energy costs, many companies are always on the lookout for alternative methods of cooling. But how do they do this? Industrial fans are a useful tool for circulating air to keep it cool — similar to the cooling that you feel with wind — without the need to generate the cold itself by using large amounts of electricity.
For example, installing efficient fan motors, the “electronically commutated” (ECM) variety in particular, on a small two-fan walk-in freezer has been shown to save around $200 for each fan. But if a company really wants to save on operation costs, taking a few extra steps to optimize the performance of these air blowers can make a world of difference.
As much energy as air conditioners consume, obviously it would not be practical to completely remove and HVAC systems altogether. But, using it in conjunction with industrial fans to ease back on the central cooling by just three degrees can cut air conditioning costs anywhere from 12% to 15%.
While some systems may require people to manually alter the speed at which ventilation equipment exchanges fresh or outside air into an enclosed space, it is much more efficient to have automated systems to take care of any minor changes in temperature. These demand ventilation controls can usually reduce the costs to operate an exhaust fan by 30% to 50%. They can be installed on both new installations or retrofitted to existing hoods.
Behind making sales, one of the top priorities of any business should be to reduce operation costs without compromising the quality of their products. Industrial fans can be an extremely helpful tool for this goal.