Street sweeping is an advantage to keep roads neat, especially in urban areas with high traffic. Modern types of street sweepers are mounted on truck bodies. Any debris in the streets can be vacuumed up with this technique.
History and Statistics
Street sweeping was first developed during the 19th century. The first sweeping machine was patented and invented in 1849 by C.S. Bishop. Still being used today, mechanical broom type sweepers are make up for 90 percent of street sweeping machines being used in the United States. The road and highway maintenance has an estimated revenue of $42 billion.
Benefits of Street Sweeping
Street sweepers clean up the streets to allow for safe driving conditions. The sweepers remove things such as papers, leaves, and any other debris floating around. This also helps to prevent curb gutters from getting clogged up and ensure they remain working properly, free of clutter. An additional benefit to residents of street sweeper trucks allow for the removal of both microscopic and large pollutants. By having effective street sweeping, it allows for safe removal of debris each year from the city streets and reduces the pollutants in stormwater runoff.
The Alarming Costs of Pollution
Street sweeping doesn’t just help the streets; it also helps to make parking spots safer from debris and pollution flying around. Studies indicate that a parking space in the United States can come at a shocking price of $6 million up to $23 million in environmental and health damages to the society that is ultimately caused by only air pollution. Parking space pollution can account for $4 billion and up to $20 billion in environmental and health damages every year.
Runoff Pollution
Runoff pollution is associated with melting snow or rainwater that washes of bridges, roads, rooftops, parking lots, and other surfaces. Unfortunately, runoff pollution from highways and roads include dangerous pesticides and heavy metals.
Road sweeping services and parking lot sweeping services allow for protection to drivers and people walking. Without this type of road sweeping services protection, individuals would be getting sick with all the particles in the air. Pollution, debris, and other harmful particles in the air can be minimized with Northern Virginia Sweeping Service.