Brand marketing and mobile marketing are some of the biggest marketing trends to look for in 2013 and on into the future. A franchise consultant can help you with brand marketing if you sign up for a franchise. Brand consulting is always needed in order to carry out effective franchise marketing plans. You need to talk to a franchise consultant that has experience in developing marketing campaigns for people who own franchises. Look for a brand marketing agency to find the franchise consultant that you need. A brand consultant an also help you with your online marketing needs. Search marketing is a fairly new tool which began to be used in 1995, when Yahoo, Alta Vista and Ask.com became popular with online users. It is sort of interesting to see how marketing has evolved. Marketers used to use billboards a lot. The first recorded billboard to be rented for marketing purposes was back in 1867. Now we have the internet to use for marketing purposes. A franchise consultant should be one that knows all about online marketing.
B2B marketing using blogs is also popular. Did you know that a blog can generate 67 percent more in leads than a company that doesn’t use them does? Did you know that the social sites are using online marketing ploys to get people to buy now? A franchise consultant can inform you on how to best use social media for your business. You’ll want to avoid mistakes like making too many posts that are repetitive and boring. 52 percent of Facebook users say they unlike companies that post too many often. Talk to a franchise consultant about it today.