If you own a business in today’s world, it is critical to have technology incorporated into your business and marketing strategies. If you don’t take advantage of the online marketplace, there is an entire generation of people who aren’t getting your message. Getting your message across is the only way to drive sales, so if you’re concerned about your business’s internet marketing strategies, consult with an online marketing agency. Before you meet with an inbound sales specialist, here are some tips to help you brush up internet marketing and sales terms.
1. Outbound marketing is a thing of the past.
Outbound marketing refers to traditional marketing strategies in which the company sends its message to the audience (e.g., TV and radio commercials, newspaper ads). With the rise of the internet, however, there’s a new strategy that is even more effective. Inbound marketing promotes your business by directing customers to your website when they enter search terms. This strategy capitalizes on the fact that almost half (46%) of online searches are for specific products and services.
2. Inbound marketing is effective and affordable.
Three out of four users don’t scroll past the first page of search results, which means that the top results reach the most customers. Organic results (the unpaid search results generated by the search engine) have a 14.6% close rate, while more traditional outbound marketing leads have a 1.7% close rate. An online marketing agency can work with your company to improve your rank in the organic search results. This can markedly improve your exposure to a whole new market. According to a study by OutBrain, search engines are the number one driver of traffic content to websites.
3. An SEO firm specializes in Search Engine Optimization.
SEO is a technique in search engine marketing that improves your rank in the search results. As mentioned above, it benefits the company to appear as a top result because they get higher visibility and more traffic to their website. If a searcher clicks on a company’s website when it is an organic result, it’s free for the company. So working with an online marketing agency to implement SEO strategies into your business model can increase your visibility in the marketplace and drive sales.
4. Social media is key.
Almost all internet users visit Facebook regularly. Social media can be used as a tool to promote your business. Users can “like” pages on Facebook, which shows support for your company or product. Companies that promote their business on Facebook also generate more traffic on their websites: 1,000 likes on Facebook corresponds to 1,400 daily visits to the company website. Find out more here: www.saleshub.ca