For industries across a variety of sectors, coating equipment is an essential component of quality, safety and efficiency. Here are a few of the industries that must consider pipe coating, industrial coating, and coating equipment:
Chemical Processing
Food Processing
Metals Production
Oil and Gas
Pulp and Paper
Power Generation
Public Utilities
Essentially, any process that relies on chambers, cylinders, pipes, valves, and other parts through which fluids, gases or other substances move. There are smaller scale uses as well, used to protect and harden items such as firearms and small vehicles, but larger scale equipment requires different special properties, depending on its use. For example, corrosion or slip resistance, smoothness, wear-resistant coatings and low friction coatings may be required based on variable factors. Hard chrome plating and thermal spray coating are other specifics based on context.
Coating equipment benefits from durability, as well as easy application. To replace hard chrome and thermal spray, an advanced hard coating, Duralar, exhibits superior quality features.
Duralar is better than hard chrome for several reasons. It is amorphous, and layered, increasing resistance to corrosion and erosion; as a nanocomposite of diamond and metal, it is incredibly hard. With a thicker and more even coating, Duralar is easier to work with. In chrome plating, unevenness is a problem, and usually requires follow up adjustments that Duralar does not.
In regard to thermal spray coatings, which is an expensive and sometimes slow process, using Duralar is more streamlined. No extra machining is required. It?s also harder than thermal sprays, with greater corrosion resistance. In addition, while thermal sprays often have to be combined with other hard coatings in some cases, Duralar does not.
No matter the coating equipment or industrial coating service need, there is a material designed to suit it. Industrial coating services provide business owners and facility managers with a variety of options after assessing the specific needs, along with regulations relevant to the industry, as well as other factors. An on-site evaluation and consultation as well as a presentation of the options is customary. This is a competitive field; the industrial maintenance coating industry is the second largest sub-segment, with a value of $1.3 billion in 2014, matched with over $2 billion in paint and coatings products exports.