Wastewater Needs Constant Attention To Stay Safe The Benefits Of Dissolved Air Flotation Systems

It’s easy to take clean water for granted.

We expect to see it every time we turn on our faucet or go to take a shower. Even the lakes and rivers we surround ourselves with should have a healthy appearance to them. Sadly, clean water is not a reality for millions of people across the globe. Industrial water treatment systems are essential to flushing out harmful bacteria and debris, in all layers of society, and a single lapse in this duty can put entire communities at risk. It’s your job to make sure you use your resources on a regular basis.

There’s always more work to be done, particularly with technology moving as fast as it does. Let’s learn more about industrial water treatment systems and the different forms they take.

Clean water is not a worldwide phenomenon. Every time you pour yourself a cold glass after a morning jog you’re experiencing the hard efforts of thousands in your state. It’s estimated just 3% of the Earth’s water is fresh water, which isn’t a very large percentage when you consider how many people live on the planet. Water is a very sensitive element that can easily become contaminated. Dissolved air flotation and DAF wastewater treatment are only a few of the resources used to reverse this.

What can enter a water supply and render it undrinkable? Just about anything you can think of. Bacteria can enter through a sick animal or debris, spreading in a matter of hours and forcing drastic measures. E.coli is one such illness that can cause vomiting, chills, and even hospitalization. Rust, dirt, and various plant particles also need to be filtered on a regular basis, which can mean a daily effort depending on the sewer supply being used.

An important term to become familiar with is the DAF wastewater treatment. Short for ‘Dissolved Air Flotation’, these systems are designed to remove three primary categories of contamination from a wastewater stream. These include suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, and various oils or greases. Elements like these are notorious for creating clogs and causing systems to back up, which can be disastrous in the long-term. To maximize solids recovery you need proven systems, not guesswork.

Today more than 50 drinking water treatment plants across North America rely on DAF, having done so since 2000. These include capacities that range from 0.5 MGD to nearly 300 MGD. Recent data has suggested that, by the time 2020 comes around, up to half of the assets in wastewater facilities might be beyond the midpoint of their useful lives. This is generally assumed to be 100 years, unless serious damage occurs. Industrial water treatment systems have to constantly be proactive to protect entire communities.

What can you expect to find with today’s dissolved air flotation? Primary and secondary waste treatments are proven to remove between 85% and 95% of pollutants from the wastewater. This is even before the treated wastewater is disinfected and discharged into various local waterways. Wastewater treatment plants generally consume 10% to 15% of energy, as well. Overall, the aeration process will use just the right amount of input and output to make sure you’re never concerned about water quality.

Safety is key. Ensure your industrial water treatment systems are designed right in 2019.

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