One of the most important aspects of having a successful business in today’s internet based world is having the best internet marketing strategies. There are four billion active mobile phones in the world today, and over one billion of these are smart phones. Multitasking is also commonplace in our society, and about 86% of smartphone users watch television while using their mobile device at the same time. So what does all of this information about the rise of instant internet and mobile browsing mean for businesses?
One of the key factors considered by many people before they purchase products from a company is what the quality of their website is. Good web design doesn’t always mean the latest technology and the best graphics. Most smartphone users actually prefer functionality over flashy design. A good web designer will work with a company to determine their needs and to create a website that reflects that company’s mission and customer base. For anyone who is wondering if they should collaborate with a small business web designer, here are a few ways to know if your website needs a remodel.
Problem: Website is slow to load.
Solution: Choose simpler graphics.
Research has shown that website users would rather have a simple website that is fast to load and easy to navigate than one that has complex, flashy aesthetics. It may seem counterintuitive to design a website that is simple and classic in today’s world where originality is key to set you apart, but small businesses also have to listen to customers to see what they want.
Problem: Web design is outdated.
Solution: Work with a web designer to create a modern website.
Good web designers will have a familiarity with modern features for websites and they will know how to create a user friendly interface. One important aspect of today’s web users is that they want instant gratification, i.e. they want a lot of things to click on and if they aren’t satisfied they’ll go to another website. Keep this in mind when redoing your online sites.
Problem: Your company isn’t on social media.
Solution: Create Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages to represent your brand.
The majority of people ages 18 to 54 years of age have at least one social media account, and at least 40% of people in this age group have two separate accounts. With the popularity of social media, any business who isn’t involved is missing a huge — and free — marketing opportunity. Connecting with this age group allows you to reach people you otherwise might not reach in traditional advertising.
Problem: Customers don’t know how to contact you online.
Solution: Invest in a company web address and get every employee a company email address.
One principle of website design involves complete transparency, or letting your customers see what functions are available. If it’s hard to figure out how to contact you, work with your web designer to figure out a way to make sure your site is easy to navigate.
Problem: Your business doesn’t appear in organic searches for your product.
Solution: Talk to internet marketing firms about search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.
A survey by Forrester found that when companies invest in SEO services, 39% of new customer transactions are a direct result of organic and paid search engine results. If you don’t have a good search standing, talk to an SEO professional now. Read more.