About 43% (42.7% to be exact) of those surveyed said that they gave more during the holidays than the rest of the year and approximately 44.4% reported giving about the same. Many people give more during the holidays because there tends to be more opportunity for charitable donations. You visit a local retailer and there are people at every entrance looking for donations. Your neighbors stop by and ask for donations. Even your child?s school is asking for donations for non profit organizations. With so many charitable opportunities, how can you choose which ones to help?
Get to know the local charities
It is likely that there are many different charities in your city. It can be helpful to get to know the local charities and what they offer. When the holidays come around and you are deciding who to donate to, you will already know which organization you prefer. Charity organizations should be a non profit and categorized as such with the government. Smart givers only support groups granted tax exempt status under section 501C3 of the Internal Revenue Code. This simply means that the government has done their research and trusts the charity. It also means that your donations for non profit organizations to this particular charity will help more, as the government is not taking any taxes out.
Find a cause that makes you passionate
There are going to be some charities that speak to you more than others. It is okay to give the majority of your time and resources to one single charity that makes you passionate. Find out what type of donations for non profit organizations are needed and help them out to the best of your ability. Clothing is an underrepresented need that actually does a lot of good. Clothes donations can give those in need clothing items, while also raising money for additional needs. Currently, Americans send about 10.5 million tons of clothing to landfills every year. In addition to helping out with charitable clothing donations, you are also helping the environment by not contributing to this landfill problem.
Spread the word
Many people do not donate because they do not think to donate. They are never presented with a charitable opportunity that they want to be passionate about. One of the best things that you can do to help your local charity is to spread the word. Let your family and friends know of the charitable organization and how they can help. When it comes time to choose a charity for clothing drives or fundraising events, be the first to suggest your favorite charitable organization. Spreading the word about your favorite charity allows them to get additional funding and volunteers. It is also easier than ever to spread the word today. The majority (about 70%) of social media users would take some kind of action in response to a friend posting a story on social media about making a charitable donation.
Give all year long
It is also important to give all year long. Many charitable organizations get the majority of their donations during the holiday season, and then they are required to make them last for the next year. Giving all year long continues to support your local charities. You can support them in numerous ways, including when you donate clothes. Donations for non profit organizations help in many ways. They provide clothing to those in need. They also provide these families with furniture, job clothing items, life training, and medical care.
Charitable donations tend to decline significantly after the holiday season. It is important to continue giving and spreading awareness all year long. Charities that help out those in need require assistance and awareness every day of the year. You can do your part by spreading the awareness to your family and friends, choosing a charitable organization that you are passionate about, and donating all year long.