Are you experiencing issues with your current staff? Have you noticed that your new hires, for example, aren’t quite fitting in with the company culture? Do they appear to be qualified for the position for which they were hired? Are they happy? Productive?
If these are concerns, then you may want to consider the benefits of working with a recruiting agency for future hires. Staffing agencies employ over 3 million temporary and contract employees approximately every week. When you contact a staffing company to provide qualified individuals for your positions, you will increase the likelihood that they will be a good fit for your company.
There are several concerns that other companies are experiencing that may resonate with your’s. Employee retention, however, is of the greatest concern for 46% of human resource professionals. After this, these professionals are concerned with employee engagement. A large number of organizations, or 57% of those that participated in the survey, also consider employee retention to be a significant issue.
There are workable and creative solutions to these and other issues, of course. Employee recognition and on-boarding programs, along with gender and ethnically-diverse work environments, have all been shown to make a difference with a staff’s well-being and productivity.
The survey showed, for example, that 86% of the companies that had employee recognition programs noted their employees were happier. If you or your other managerial staff have noticed morale issues, this may be an effective solution.
On-boarding programs, especially when they are well-structured, can be an excellent way to introduce new hires to your company culture. Furthermore, these programs also provide new hires with more information on job expectations and how their position fits within this schema. When they’ve participated in these types of programs, new hires are 58% more likely to remain with a company for 3 or more years.
According to McKinsey’s research, when a workplace is both gender and ethnically-diverse, workers tend to be more productive than their non-diverse counterparts. The data revealed that gender-diverse companies outperform their counterparts by 15%, while ethnically-diverse companies will outperform their counterparts by 35%. When workplaces are both gender and ethnically-diverse, the chance that they will outperform their peers may increase even more significantly.
If you’re considering the benefits of staffing agencies to fill any current or future positions, why not contact an employment agency now? Even if you don’t have an opening at the present time, you can begin to develop a relationship with your job placement agency. In this way, they will be aware of your business and the types of positions that may be available in the future. Staffing agencies can also provide you with other important services and advise you on a variety of personnel matters.