Used shipping containers can be transformed into a wide variety of different things from pop-up shops to cargo container offices. There are many companies that can offer you used storage containers for sale, but how many of them can transform that steel shipping container into a portable office container or a backyard getaway?
Now, you might be reading this and wondering why in the world would a company want office containers. The answer to that is simple. Creating single-person offices will increase productivity by decreasing sick leave. According to research, workers that share an office with another person took an average of 50% more sick days than workers that enjoyed a private office space. Adding to that, employees that work in open air offices take an average of 62% more sick days than employees in individual offices.
Finding and buying used storage containers for sale will decrease employee sick leave while also allowing you to customize the space to exactly what you need. Turning a used storage container into office space is also an ideal solution to the need for a remote office. Custom containers are a big business as more and more companies and individuals realize the benefits of utilizing used storage containers.
While you can buy a new shipping container, finding used storage containers for sale will save a great deal of money, and the construction of steel shipping containers is such that you don’t need to worry about the quality not being there. Currently, there are approximately 20 million shipping containers crossing the world. Shipping is such a significant industry worldwide that it constitutes nearly 90% of the global trade.
Every day there are used shipping containers going to the secondary market. While creating container offices is a big business, there are a lot of other projects people may envision for their custom containers. For example, you can transform one into a pop-up shop or concession stand. They are larger and sturdier than tents or trailers, but they are still portable. You can also do more in customizing a shipping container than you can a tent.
Used shipping containers are also ideal for onsite storage. They can be outfitted with cabinets and shelving and used for secure storage. Companies all over the country utilize shipping containers to increase their storage space without a costly building expansion.
Universities, cities, high schools and businesses large and small have discovered the benefits of outfitting used shipping containers into the spaces they need. The possibilities are nearly limitless. What kind of space would you make if you found used storage containers for sale? Let us know in the comments below.