The cost of most organizational support these days is very expensive. Even the most basic ideas for marketing around your part of town can get costly. Of course, most new organizations lack the budget to ensure that the aesthetic of their marketing materials is going to win design awards. Rather, new business owners are simply trying to save money in any way that they can. Being able to save space as you provide some sense of marketing design is usually a priority. If your business is able both to provide function and a good look to the materials promoting your business, it is worth exploring those materials.
There are door hanger printing services that can help. A door hanger template for door knob hangers can facilitate the process of making sure that your business is marketed as well as possible. Some door hangers are more expensive than others. Any door hangers that your organization purchases should come from a printer that will allow you to start hanging those materials right away. Measurements for door hangers are fairly standardized. You can learn more about the specific cuts for certain hangers if you want them to be easy to take off of a door handle. You can also learn more about the type of hangers that are meant to stay in place on a door for a long period of time, such as signs to indicate vacancy or occupation of a room.