Modern plumbing applications rely on brass fittings manufacturers to continue producing high-quality fittings to stop leaks and secure lines. Today, nearly 90% of all brass alloys are recycled; most valves and fittings cast in brass are made using these recycled alloys. Trust brass compression fittings to stop leaks in their tracks!
A Secure Fit to Stop Leaks
The average American household loses up to 22 gallons of water to leaks every day; that is up to 14% of the water that residents are charged for. Over the course of a single year, leaks can be responsible for over 10,000 gallons of wasted water — that is enough water to wash 270 loads of laundry. Many residents are completely unaware that their home may have leaks due to loose or damaged pipes. There are many different kinds of brass fittings to suit any situation including fittings equipped with valves to better control the flow of water.
Safer Alternatives for Families
Although brass fittings can prevent leaks, some kinds of fittings pose certain threats to human consumption. Most basic modern brass is around 67% copper and 33% zinc in composition; in many cases lead is commonly added in concentrations of around 2% to the brass. With concerns of lead poisoning appearing throughout human history since the ancient Romans first smelted it, many are turning to lead free brass fittings. These lead free brass fittings are used in potable water lines to prevent lead exposure. Lead can accumulate in the body over a number of years or even months with children under six years of age proving to be especially vulnerable to the effects of lead poisoning. While regulations continue to cut down on our exposure to lead, lead free brass fittings are one way to help eliminate lead exposure in our drinking water.