When considering buying a freezer for pharmaceuticals, you are supposed to know that the search for the right lab freezer will be a little different from the same process in the context of a household refrigerator. This is because; the functions, design and cost of medical refrigerators and freezers are different from the household freezer. Choosing the right pharmaceutical freezer is so important that any error in judgment will just complicate things further for you. You could end up buying a medical freezer that will end up compromising the quality of your samples, research and many other applications of a medical refrigerator. Even the manufacturers of pharmaceutical freezers such as the benchtop freezer understand just how sensitive the role of this product is. This is why you often find that vaccine storage refrigerators are manufactured under stringent quality standards in line with the provision of safeguarding medical and scientific research samples. Naturally, medical freezers are more expensive as they have additional features that are not present in your normal household refrigerator. Do not expect that choosing a scientific freezer is going to be easy. There are so many options to choose from and the process should be guided by a number of factors. Without having some basic knowledge on what to look for in a medical freezer, you might end up with a freezer whose functionalities does not match your medical refrigeration needs. Below are things to look at when choosing a medical lab freezer.
Types of Medical and Lab Freezers
There are different types of medical freezers that are uniquely designed to serve certain purposes depending on your specific needs. The first and most common type is the benchtop freezer. In most cases, a benchtop freezer comes in a variety of sizes and is the one that you will find in almost any typical lab or research office. This kind is best for a small medical office or research center that does not require storing of large quantities of medical and research sample. When buying the benchtop freezer, you need to evaluate your refrigeration needs as most of them are of small sizes and not ideal for busy labs. The other type is the undercounter medical freezer that is also relatively small and can be able to fit within the space allocated in a research lab. These kind of freezers would be ideal for a medical research office that has inadequate floor space and therefore looking to free up some space in the lab. The last type is the ultra-low temperature medical freezers that is best for storing medical and research materials that require extremely low temperatures for safe storage. An ultra-low medical freezer can attain temperatures of up to -85° or -86° making it the ideal equipment for a medical lab that deals with sensitive materials.
Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Lab Freezer
One of the main factors to consider when buying a medical grade freezer is the size. You need to think about the capacity of materials that the freezer can handle and then weigh that against how busy your medical lab is. Apart from the capacity, the other approach is to think about how big the freezer is and whether it can effectively fit in the medical research office. It will make no sense buying a medical freezer that takes up a significant percentage of your floor area. You just need to know what is right for you in terms of your refrigeration needs and the available space in your office. You also need to think about the cost. The cost of medical freezers requires huge financial allocations considering that a good lab freezer is an investment. Avoid buying a lab refrigerator simply because of their brand name. there are certain brands that could overprice the product based on their popularity. On the other hand, buying cheap equipment could compromise the quality of your medical refrigeration needs as they could be lacking some basic features needed for successful storage.
How to Buy the Best Medical and Lab Freezer