A major part pf pharma serialisation is packaging. With 48.5% of Americans having used at least one prescription drug within the last 30 days, and 75.1% of medical visits involving some sort of drug therapy, it?s vital that people know exactly which medication they?re taking and when ? not to mention the physical safety of their medication. Many medications rely upon proper pharma packaging to stay effective and safe for a patient?s consumption. In turn, pharma serialisation assures that a prescription can be traced and traced. However, the reasoning behind why certain packaging is used is actually very complex, and goes beyond what some might expect.
Blister Packaging: Why It?s Become Favored
Blister packaging is the packaging that?s often referred to as a ?clamshell?, folding into itself. The main appeal of the blister packaging design to pharmaceutical companies is that it has a sort of pocket made of formable web; this keeps the medication within safe and far less at risk of damage. It also has a sort of laminate that is easy to peel, and can be made in large quantities in a short amount of time. Another appeal of blister packaging is that its design allows for the pills to be labeled by days of the week. That way, people who need to know which ?day? of their medication they are on can be sure that they haven?t forgotten or double-dosed.
Bottle Packaging: The Advantages
A major advantage of bottle packaging ? perhaps a more traditional form of packaging pharmaceuticals than blister packaging ? is that it comes with a variety of different possibilities for liners and tops. The different caps available for bottle packaging designs include child-safe, snap-off, and twist-off. Another thing that makes bottle packaging great is the simple way it can incorporate pharma serialisation. Some options offer are code printing for identification purposes, and make the process of tracking a prescription so much easier for patients and pharmacies.
Pouch Packaging: For Liquid Medications
Although many medications are now dispensed in pill form, liquid medication still has a huge role in the world of pharmaceuticals, especially when it comes to children?s medication. Obviously, blister packaging is not an option for liquid medication, and bottles are not effective either. A packaging method that has become popular with liquid medication is pouch packaging. Pouch packaging can include childsafe seals and strip seals, as well as seals that are easy to rip and add to the convenience of the product. Some pharmacies prefer it as well, because it allows for carefully measured doses in prepackaged form.
The array of different packaging options for medication can certainly be confusing. However, it aids in the overall goal of having medication that is accessible yet easy to keep track of, ensuring that everything is as safe as possible for patients.