The heavy equipment industry exists to supply equipment supplies and services to those who need them. Companies that specialize in the industry often offer more than 100,000 equipment parts to meet any machine or truck engine requirement, which is a good thing, because it’s common in the industry for machines to break down and need repair. Common heavy equipment parts that the industry regularly supplies include combustion engines, petrol engines, cartridge valves, hydraulic logic cartridges, gear pumps, piston pumps, oil filters, hardox plates, heavy equipment oil coolers, bucket pins and more. Read on for a bit more detail on the various types of heavy equipment parts.
There are a couple different engines that are commonly requested in the heavy equipment industry. One of them, an internal combustion engine, is a two-stroke engine that completes a power cycle with only two strokes of the piston per crankshaft revolution. The Petrol engine is another common engine, more commonly used in handheld applications like string trimmers and chainsaws. Then there’s valves. There are many different valves to choose from, but on common type is the cartridge valve, otherwise known as the 2/2-way valve or logic elements. They’re industrial hydraulic valves that are used to manage flow control, pressure, check, and directional.
Another common equipment part are pumps. Like valves and engines, there’s more than one to choose from. The gear pump is generally found in hydraulic systems, complete with few moving parts. It can operate smoothly at pressures all the way up to 250 bar. Then there’s the radial piston pump that’s often used in situations that involve high pressures, like machines that process plastic and machine tools that clamp hydraulics.
Equipment breakdown is common in the industry, and can often be attributed to user error not covered under a warranty. In fact, this makes up for about 35% of equipment failure. But even equipment that is well taken care of has a shelf life of only about 15 years. Because of this, and because companies are regularly upgrading or replacing their equipment, the industry has been able to grow. Globally, it’s estimated that the construction equipment market is about $145.5 billion dollars! And things aren’t anticipated to slow down anytime soon. As technology and cultures continue to grow and develop, there will always be a demand for the heavy equipment industry. More on this topic.