Would it surprise you to know that 71% of all the people in America are currently looking for a new or an additional job? This statistic is a combination of the 51% of workers who are employed but who are looking for something else and the unemployed in the country. If this many people are looking for work, what can you do to distinguish yourself and get hired for the perfect employment opportunity?
Staffing companies and temp agencies ask their applicants to supply all kinds of information on their online applications, everything from completing a salary survey to including a list of personal and professional references. Interestingly enough, even non-profits ask for a salary survey and a list of former employers to contact as references. In fact, some non-profit employers have just as many applicants as the for profit job sector receive.
Have you reached a point in career where you are ready to make a difference instead of just making a living? Does a salary survey mean less to you than a survey of people and groups a future employer has helped?
Whether you are an employer looking for the best staff, or you are an individual looking for a new job opportunity, chances are that some time in the recruiting or application process you will be working with a professional staffing agency. Today’s job hiring and job finding process is an interesting mix of professional staffing teams helping vet large pools of applicants and social media platforms advertising and recruiting to get that large pool of interested candidates. While professional screening agencies have long been a part of the hiring process, it is difficult for anyone to ignore the social media platform as an avenue for finding the best candidates. In fact, employers who used social media to recruit and eventually hire new candidates say they have found a 49% improvement in candidate quality when they compare these candidates to ones found through more traditional recruiting channels.
The non-profit hiring sector is often just as, if not more, competitive than the for profit job market. Benefactors and donors, as well as non-profit board of directors are just as particular about their employees as for profit hiring teams. The most current statistics indicate that one in every five Americans over the age of 16 volunteered sometime between September 2010 and September 2014. This 25% representation has stayed relatively constant since the year 2013. It should not be surprising then that so many people are concerned about the quality of the employers hired by non-profits. Some could argue that all of these volunteers are contributing to the staffing of all of these non-profits in the country.
One in every three search engine searches is employment related. In this competitive market it is important to use all possible avenues when it comes to job searches. Whether you are an employer looking for the best candidates, or you are an individual looking for the best job opportunity, you are in a tough market. Look for the best ways to distinguish yourself and use them to your advantage.