5 Tips for Managing Different Generations in One Workplace

Things have changed over the years concerning the workplace. Previous years had two types of people working within the workplace, the old-timers and the newcomers. That is not the case today as there are far more generations working together in the workforce. This is the first time in history that five generations are working together in the workplace. Those generations consist of millennials which account for a little more than 30% and were born between 1981 and 1996. Other generations include the silent generation (1922-1945), baby boomers (1946-1964), generation X (1965-1976) and generation Z (1996-present). Merging these generations into one workplace can pose challenges for those managing different generations in the workplace, but it can also show to be beneficial. Use these tips to help manage all the generations and help your workplace flow smoothly.


There is no room for stereotypes in the workplace and when working with a multigenerational workforce that statement is even more true. Preconceived notions are the number one reasons for multigenerational workforce challenges. These preconceived notions typically pertain to how others believe a certain generation is going to automatically behave, and this is not always the case. Eliminating these stereotypes and encouraging workers to do away with them as well can help when it comes to managing different generations in the workplace.


Setting age aside, respect is going to go a long way in the work environment especially when managing different generations in the workplace. Seniors within the workforce expect respect, but the newcomers need that same respect in order to feel wanted and valued. Accepting that everyone is different no matter how old or young they are nor what generation they come from is vital. Managing generational differences in the workplace can be streamlined with this simple act.


Accommodating to everyone’s needs and preferences can seem daunting but it is vital especially when dealing with for our five generations in the workplace. Accommodating needs and preferences helps reduce conflict within the workplace. Within reasons certain accommodations should be met to help employees excel. Some generations are smarter and more comfortable working with technology compared with others. Recognizing key strengths in employees helps you accommodate them better and helps when managing different generations in the workplace.


Ensure that compensation and benefits match what employees want and need. Some generations of employees value money and compensation for their time spent at a company. Other generations value more family time and flexibility to do their job. Flex time is more popular than ever because it appeals to a growing number of people within a certain generation. Gone are the days of one person working while the other tends to the house and the kids, now many times both parents work and are responsible for the house and kids. It would only make sense that benefits for this generation will differ from monetary benefits. Compensation for hard work and benefits for employees don’t have to be straight across the board. These can differ depending on generation, age and desires of employees.


Communication has changed over the years and how people choose to communicate differs as well. Some are more technology driven, therefore emails, phone call and voicemail is there preferred method. Others thrive on face to face conversation. In order to appeal to all generations try to implement all types of communication. It is not necessary to have just one way of communication across the board, other methods can be integrated throughout the work week. This way all workers feel they are getting the communication they need, even if they are forced to engage in communication in ways they are not too fond of. Knowing that everyone is doing each method can help eliminate stress when managing different generations in the workplace.

The benefits of multigenerational workplaces can help companies excel. Knowing how to handle difference helps and these tips can help you do that. Patience and knowledge can help you effectively manage all employees and guide them no matter how many years apart they are.

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