Do you want to find a cool and distinctive way to reach out to customers of your business? In addition to other marketing efforts you may want to consider using business postcards by working with direct mail marketing companies that specialize in this field.
The first known American souvenir postcard was actually an advertisement for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exhibition, which took place in Chicago. World War I soldiers would send family members silk mesh postcards that were embroidered.
Today, direct mailing companies can use customized postcards to tell prospective customers about future sales and other news that might be pertinent to their purchasing decisions. These direct mail postcards can be a great way to keep track of return-on-investment because it is fairly easy to determine their effect on customers’ purchases.
This is because these tools are used as a “call to action”–whether than means visiting a particular website, calling specific phone number, etc. Business-to-customer marketing professionals have found that these kinds of direct mail campaigns were the most effective in bringing in new customers, thereby yielding a good return-on-investment.
If you have further questions, comments, or tips regarding customized postcards for businesses, you may share them in the section below.