There are over 17 people in the United States that live in some type of manufactured home. Modular housing continues to be popular for a variety of reasons, particularly when this housing is constructed with portable and easy to relocate Conex containers.
The Benefits of Modular Housing
While it does depend on the type of modular home being constructed, some only take 1 to 2 weeks to be built in the factory. These homes can be produced in less time and will cost less than houses built on-site. Furthermore, because they are assembled in a controlled, factory environment, less materials are required. This means that there is 35% to 40% less waste being generated, which underlines the fact that they’re also an eco-friendly choice for home construction.
If you’re looking for modular housing solutions, you may already be considering the benefits of portable and easy to relocate Conex containers. These industrial shipping containers can be modified and repurposed for housing, offices, workshops, generator enclosures, and other needed spaces.
When you’re planning to build a house with shipping containers, it may take just 2 to 3 weeks to complete. To contrast, brick-and-mortar structures usually take 4 to 6 months to construct.
Shipping Container Space Accommodations
To provide you with an idea of the available space within these shipping containers, a standard 20-foot container is able to accommodate the equivalent of 3,596 shoe boxes,. If you opt for a 40-foot high cube, it is able to accommodate the equivalent of 8,443 shoe boxes.
In general, shipping container homes are constructed out of 40-foot units, which are 8 feet wide and 8.5 feet tall. When you use a single unit, you’ll have around 300 feet of living or office space. If you’re interested in having a 3-bedroom house, for example, you can place 4 of these containers side-by-side. This will provide you with a house that has a square footage of about 1,200.
Shipping Container Longevity and Durability
When they are properly maintained and painted, a shipping container’s lifespan can exceed 20 years. Portable and easy to relocate Conex containers are also stackable, durable, and weather-resistant. In general, they don’t require a foundation, and their average lifespan is 25 years.
If you’re planning to put up a traditional job site trailer, for example, these will usually only last for about 5 years. Due to their being constructed out of thin wood and vinyl building materials, they tend to fall apart more rapidly, particularly during inclement weather.
It’s also important to note that when shipping containers are rooted to a foundation, they are able to stand up to 100 mile per hour winds. When these containers are anchored with pylons, however, they can stand up to 175 mile per hour winds. This makes them an excellent option for housing in areas that experience high winds and heavy storms as well as tornadoes and hurricanes. This applies to both single or multiple connected units.
The Environmental Benefits of Using Retired Shipping Containers
Shipping containers are usually retired after just being used for 10 to 15 years, and current estimates indicate there are currently are 24 million unused shipping containers located throughout the world. When these containers are repurposed into homes and other buildings, it makes a positive environmental impact.
When a 40-foot container is upcycled, for example, around 3,500 kilograms of steel are being reused. This also saves about 8000 kilowat hours of energy that would be needed to melt down the steel. Another plus of repurposing steel shipping containers is that they are already eco-green structures that are composed of 85% recycled steel. As previously stated, this reduce the need for new building materials as well as construction waste.
Learn More About the Benefits of Repurposed Steel Containers
When you need to construct several houses, offices, or other types of work spaces, using portable and easy to relocate Conex containers can save you time and money. Furthermore, repurposing these steel shipping containers also makes a positive environmental impact, which will reflect positively on you and your company.