From dine in gourmet breakfasts to a huge patio and porch, you have created a perfectly lovely bed and breakfast spot. By offering a relaxing wilderness setting just a few miles from downtown, the plan is to create an oasis away from the chaos for your over night or week long guests. After paying attention to what you thought was every important detail, you were nearly ready to open when you were reminded of one important factor that you had forgotten. On the night before you were supposed to open you found woke up to find that someone had broken into one of the back cabins. You never imagined that you would need a security surveillance system, but the remoteness of your location meant that vandals could find a way into the empty cabins when they are empty.
A quick phone call to a local security company was able to help you better prepare for the safety and security of both your guests and your property. Fortunately, the day before opening break in only cost you the two new flat screen televisions that were in the room and the video gaming system that was tucked away in the entertainment cabinet. The next time, however, the video surveillance cameras will help you monitor even the property at the back of the property.
High Quality Alarm Systems Can Help You Feel Both Safe and Secure
Consulting a security system before you open a new bed and breakfast or before you move into a new office space can help you be aware of the safety measures that you can employ. With the right security company, in fact, you can have safety measures in place that will help you discreetly monitor both indoor and outdoor spaces.
And while many people think about businesses when they think of security systems, an increasing number of private home owners are realizing the importance of installing home security systems as well.
Consider some of these statistics about crime trends in America and the increasing number of businesses and individuals who are installing security systems to make sure that their properties are safe:
- Facts indicate that 67% of burglaries can be avoided by installing a video surveillance system.
- Even during unplanned, impulsive burglaries, more than 50% of intruders said they would discontinue the burglary if they discovered an alarm.
- Everone wants to make sure that they feel safe, whether they are at home or on the job.
- Lights that are activated by motion can be installed on your property so that you are alerted to any activity.
- In a single year, police respond to 38 million alarm activations.
- New technology allows property owners to be able to monitor their building from remote locations.
- Going to be at night knowing that a security system is helping you monitor your property can help you get the rest that you need.
- Statistics indicate that one out of every seven businesses has an alarm system installed.
- Estimates from 2013 indicate that victims of burglary offenses suffered an estimated $4.5 billion in property losses. In contrast, burglaries of residential properties accounted for 74% of the total reported property losses.
- Commonly, most alarm systems have a built in delay before contacting a monitoring company. In most cases, the delay time can range anywhere from 30 seconds to three minutes.
- Unless you take the time to work with a security company, you may not know all the things that you could be doing to protect yourself, your family, and your property.
- Research shows that there are significantly more break ins during the last two weeks of the year, the time when the Christmas and New Years holidays fall, than at any other time of the year.
- Every retail store can benefit from a security system. In fact, 38% of inventory shrink can be attributed to shoplifting, and 34.5% to employee theft. Both of these can be detected by a video surveillance system.
Whether you are a new business owner opening a bed and breakfast location or you are looking keeping a new office space save, working with a security company can help you understand the steps that you can take to make sure that you and your guests and employees are safe, both day and night.