According to Dr. John Sullivan, you could call 2014 “the year that intense recruiting competition returned.” Years of “slack hiring,” as he puts it, have lead to an increase in the need for top performers and individuals who have highly specialized and advanced technical skills. In order to stay a step ahead of competitors and fill role from sales jobs to high-level positions, businesses should think about partnering with executive search firms. They have the resources and networks to reach out and help businesses find the talent they need to gain a competitive edge and thrive in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace.
There are lots of challenges that businesses have to deal with when going through the hiring process, and they can be intensified when looking for executives. Even if a company has plenty of talented sales people, they might not be a good fit for management or other positions, and promoting in-house employees is not always an option. While some companies might turn to social media and job hunting websites to try to find the best candidates, many will realize that the most talented individuals might not be actively searching. Reliable executive search companies are often able to get in touch with those candidates and let them know about new positions that are potentially more rewarding.
One thing that hiring managers and recruiters alike should consider when finding the best candidates is “boomerang rehires.” Sullivan says that, “As the competition for talent heats up, the best firms will re-energize alumni groups and they will use them as the mechanism for bringing back the very best former employees with a proven track record.” As a result, boomerangs will account for some 15% of all hires. Though some employees burn bridges completely when they leave, those who did not might be the perfect candidate for businesses who need an infusion of new talent but are apprehensive to hire people who are unfamiliar with particular systems and operations.
Despite the fact that there are some 22 million sales professionals in North America, many companies struggle to find the right talent to fill open positions. Because of that, they will often turn to reliable executive search firms who are able to handle the rigors of recruiting while finding the most talented individuals. Their improved reach and ability to reach out to a wide range of candidates makes them a great tool for businesses looking to add talent and set themselves apart from their competition. Read more blogs like this.