Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

11.5% of federal court cases made it to trial in 1962. To date, that percentage has reduced to 1%. This reduction has been achieved as a result of alternative dispute resolution methods through which some civil cases can be dealt with accordingly. They include mediation, arbitration, settlement conflicts, and neutral evaluation. Through those alternative dispute resolution methods, people have been able to get justice on patent disputes, employment discrimination, issues of bankruptcy, and civil rights issues.

Since alternative dispute resolution does not call for legal action, there are a number of advantages that come from using this approach. They include:

Saves on Time

Seeking justice in courts can be a very frustrating experience. With the wheel of justice turning very slowly, it is very easy to give up pursuing commercial civil litigation. This possibility can be avoided by seeking international arbitration. The arbitrator listens to both parties, assesses the strength and weakness of every argument then provides a satisfactory solution.

Every Party Is Heard

Any alternative dispute resolution methods give every party an opportunity to be heard. A stand-by mediation expert listens to every party carefully before a ruling is made. In that connection, every individual in the case feels like they have been given a non-discriminatory hearing. Therefore, after the case is settled, the two parties can continue to have a great relationship regardless of the strained relationship resulting from a case like attorney malpractice.


Legal fees tend to be very expensive. For instance, you will need to incur an attorney fee which not every person can afford. This is why alternative dispute resolution turns out to be very cost-effective. You can get a mediator or use a neutral evaluation which will not cost you a great fortune. The patent disputes will be solved in a short time since you do not have to spend time looking for an attorney.


It is very much frustrating to spend a lot of time running court battles. With widespread corruption, getting a fair trial has become somehow so hard. This is why using an alternative dispute resolution method seems to offer some hope at the end of the tunnel. First, this strategy does not require you to take legal action. In that regard, there is no need to endure long and stressful court sessions. All you need is to get a mediator and find a way to settle.


In the case of mediation or arbitration, such sessions tend to take place behind closed doors. This is not a case of legal litigation whereby; members of the public also attend court sessions to follow the proceedings of a case. Some parties would love to resolve their case with maximum confidentiality. This is where alternative dispute resolutions like arbitration and facilitation come in handy.


Settling a legal dispute can turn into a hard nut to crack especially if the wrong choice of pursuing justice is used. Taking legal action can be a great decision but you ought to be wary of the frustrating and stressful experience of court sessions. This is why alternative dispute resolution strategies have become more common. They offer confidentiality, saves time and money, and allows every party to be heard.

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