We all want products that last. We all want to depend on the products that we invest in. We all want to know that what we spend our hard earned money on today will still be working tomorrow, next month, and next year. In spite of all of the concern we have for the quality of the products that we buy, few of use really understand the processes that are used, or in some cases being skipped, for the items that we spend our hard earned cash on. From tumbling drums to surge machines, an entire industry provides quality testing measures to make sure that the best produced items in our country will stand the test of time and repetitive uses.
Consider some of these facts about the use of tumbling drums and other production and quality check measures that help to create products that consumers can depend on. And while the individual consumer searches for dependable products, the commercial industry also depends on the reliability and dependability of the machines and parts that they purchase.
- The tumbling process will take anywhere from six to 24 hours, depending on the amount of material to be removed from the parts.
- Dry tumbling uses almost exclusively a horizontal octagonal barrel, where the sixe 30″ in diameter by either 36″ or 42″ in length is considered standard. The dry tumbling barrel sometimes has a metal skin, as well as a hardwood lining which can be replaced whenever necessary.
- Tumbling barrel speeds in the dry method are generally kept at 28 to 32 RPM.
- Plastic parts can be polished to a finish that approaches hand buffing, if they are given the necessary time as well as careful handling. Since plastics are comparatively light, it takes a 10 to 15 hour run to get the results that approach those of the hand buffing process.
- Barrel load heights, including all of the parts and the media, should not be less than 45% or more than 60% of the barrel capacity. Load heights that fall between 40% and 45% produce more action, but result in a poorer finish.