Direct mail printers can help you to launch your next advertizing campaign. Despite many people’s perceptions that mail has become an outdated and ineffective marketing tool in the information age, marketing studies show that the opposite is true. Often, delivering a real, physical piece of mail to someone leaves a more deep and lasting impression in their mind than does email.
Direct mail postcards are an inexpensive and easy way to do this. Postcards go a long way back in history. One of the first known picture postcards was sent in 1840 by Theodore Hook, a British humorist, and featured a drawing of postal workers. Printed picture postcards really took off in the 1870s, though. The first printed picture postcard was created in 1870 in a military camp in Europe. Souvenir postcards quickly followed, with the first being sent from Vienna, Austria in 1871. Since then, postcards have grown into an enormous medium for travelers and marketers alike.
Custom postcard printing for business postcards is one simple way of getting your business and its products out there. Postcards are inexpensive to create and to mail, making them an ideal marketing medium. Direct mail printers have experience in working with clients to create and to mail effective marketing postcards. Whether you have a small and local business with a limited advertizing budget or a large, national enterprise that wants to get attention from a wide and diverse audience, postcards made by direct mail printers can bring your business to your desired audience and generate results. Direct mail marketing like this right now actually delivers the greatest ROI for B2C marketers, making it a sound investment for your business. Whatever you are marketing, direct mail printers can help you to spread your message. Find more on this here.