Making your product stand out from the competitor can be a challenge, but with the help of some well planted marketing strategies you may be able to reach your goals.
In the case of a small group of artists who were able to display their work in a downtown bank lobby in Omaha, Nebraska, the chance to use product stand displays, free standing signs, and glass mound sign holders, however, was more about learning the top marketing skills from top professionals. In conjunction with the city’s downtown Summer Arts Festival, the area bank took submissions from new artists and then selected a group of 20 to set up their art offerings in the beautiful front lobby space of one of the largest banks in the city.
Those selected were given access to classic visual marketing tools like product stand displays and other kinds of creative retail display ideas, but they were also given presentations on pricing, branding, and proven customer interaction techniques. During the open lobby hours, these artists who were just testing the venue of showing and selling their own pieces of work were visited by nearly 200 people who wandered through the indoor gallery on their lunch and afternoon breaks. The artists, turned vendors, were thrilled to have some of their first sales behind them in a controlled event that provided a team of marketing and finance professionals to offer advice and suggestions.
Are You Getting Ready to Offer Your Products to a Large Number of Customers?
It is a big step to move from offering the art that you create or the crafts that you make to a small group of family and friends to moving to a much larger audience. If you ever want to increase your earnings for your quality and creative designs, though, you often need to move outside of your comfort zone and move to a bigger market. And while some people are experienced in selling their items on a small scale website, other products can get a real boost from a hands on display where potential customers can really look at your offerings. The use of product display stands and other marketing items can increase and improve visibility for prices, product descriptions, and other important information.
- The cost of reaching 1,000 adults with a sign or a store merchandiser that has a life of one year was between 3 cents and 37 cents. This effective marketing strategy compares to the infinitely more expensive $4.05 to $7.75 for a 30 second commercial.
- Although the latest research indicates that shoppers often use their smartphones to conduct research on a product, 77% of these consumers still go to a store to shop. In store shoppers rely on well designed and clearly worded information in attractive product display stands to find what they are looking for.
- Kids clothing in small boutiques are very popular items today. Making sure that all of your items and the prices get noticed, however, can be a challenge if you do not use of product stand displays and other kinds of multi tiered display racks.
- Estimates indicate that the average consumer is exposed to 3,000 ads and promotional messages every single day. what are you doing to make sure that your product or service stands out?
- New retail search, including a study by Brigham Young University, indicates that merchandise with a sign outsells merchandise without a sign by as much as 20%.
- Outdoor metal sign stands that can be updated every day can serve as a major draw to customers who are driving or walking by. Whether you advertise the latest sale items or you just let people know that you are serving lemonade and cookies at the back of store, these outdoor displays can be very effective.
- The use of branded materials professionally positioned in acrylic product stand displays can give your customers the information they need in an attractive method.
- In data from the year 2014, there are 30,000 SKUs launched every year.
- Customers like to see the prices and descriptions of what they are buying artfully displayed.
- Estimates from a 2014 Mass Merchant Study indicated that 16% of unplanned purchases were due to a display noticed while shopping.