According to a Cornell University study, subjects poured out an average of 8% too little or 12% too much medication, meaning that patients are not getting the adequate amount of dosages. This problem can be easily solved with appropriately made dosage cups. Even the food packaging industry spends a significant amount of time on packaging; the industry takes up over 70% of the global consumer packaging market. From pharmaceuticals, to healthcare services, to the food packaging industry, these companies need reputable and reliable custom plastic injection molding services.
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It’s predicted that the industry will grow at an annual rate of 3.4% from 2015 to 2020, where it will reach $248 billion. Furthermore, plastic products made from 100% PET can be recycled and reused again and again. PET plastic in particular is labeled with the #1 code, and an estimated 9,400 curbside collection programs and 10,000 drop-ff programs collect PET plastic in America.
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The plastic packaging industry makes a plethora of different items. Some PET and other plastic products include the Accucup, the DoseGuard, and the SecureCap. It’s even used to make pet bottles. It’s crucial that a company makes accurate and reliable products. There are more than 1,100 emergency calls made every day involving a child who get into medicine or break into a medicine container, and ingest too much medicine. A good and efficient company would make containers that would reduce the amount of accidents.
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Whether a company needs childproof medicine bottles, plastic bottles, or food safe containers, any client is sure to find a wholesale packaging company that offers these services. Manufactures even offer stretch blow molding or specialty packaging for those that are interested. You only need to know where to look. From California to New Jersey to Puerto Rico, there are plenty of custom plastic injection molding services that will fulfill your company’s order.